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OakHart is a place of serene beauty and natural wonder, nestled deep within the heart of the forest. The houses and buildings are constructed of living wood, sculpted and shaped with a reverence for nature’s inherent beauty. The trees and foliage surrounding the settlement are inseparable from the town itself, as the elves have coaxed the forest to grow and expand in harmony with their way of life. The air is rich with the scent of pine and sap, and the songs of birds can be heard throughout the day.   The elves of OakHart are a deeply spiritual people, their lives intertwined with the rhythms of nature and the magical forces that permeate the land. They are fierce protectors of their home and the forest, viewing any intrusion upon it as a grave offense. Outsiders are treated with caution, and trust must be earned over time. The druids of OakHart are revered as leaders and wise guides, offering counsel and guidance to those who seek it.   Despite their isolationist tendencies, the elves of OakHart are not without compassion. They understand the importance of balance in nature, and the need for cooperation and mutual understanding. They are known to interact and trade with Ashton and share knowledge and wisdom with pilgrims and travelers there. Those who show a respect for the forest and its inhabitants may find themselves welcomed with open arms, and may even be granted the rare privilege of glimpsing the wonders of the magical energies that flow through the land.
Economy: Trade
Wealth: Low
Leadership: Council
Purpose: Regional Presence


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