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Slaads are amphibious creatures that resemble humanoid toads. They have rough, mottled skin that ranges in color from green to blue to red, and they stand between 6 and 8 feet tall. They have long, powerful legs, sharp claws, and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Their eyes are large and yellow. However, being creatures of chaos, they may have drastically differing features like scales, hair, extra organs or apendages, missing apendages, etc...  


Slaads are chaotic creatures (literally born out of chaos itself) that delight in causing destruction and chaos. They are often summoned by powerful spellcasters to wreak havoc on their enemies. But do not confuse chaotic with stupid, that would be dangerously unwise when dealing with Slaadi. In combat, they are direct and unpredictable, using their powerful jaws and claws to attack their foes, and confusing their enemies with tactics that seem to change and follow insane logic. They are also capable of shape-shifting, which can make them difficult to track and defeat.  


Slaads have a number of special abilities that make them formidable opponents. They are immune to most types of poison, and they can regenerate quickly from most types of damage. They are also capable of infecting other creatures with a deadly disease that can transform them into new Slaadi.
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