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Thaur-Tol, the island nation of goblins, is a desolate and rocky place, with few resources beyond the sea and fish. The goblins, who make up the majority of the population, are small and wiry, with skin ranging from a sickly green to a sicklier yellow. They live in huts made of driftwood and rock, and their society is highly regimented and hierarchical, with the larger and stronger hobgoblins at the top of the chain of command.
  The hobgoblins of Thaur-Tol are brutal and efficient rulers, demanding obedience and subservience from their goblin subjects. They have a long history of attempting campaigns of conquest on the mainland, but their armies have always been repulsed, often by the combined might of the other races.
  Despite their history of aggression, Thaur-Tol is generally a place of isolation and quiet desperation. The goblins and hobgoblins eke out a living on the rocky terrain, and trade with outsiders is rare and highly regulated. Those who do visit the island of Thaur-Tol often find themselves subject to suspicion and scrutiny, and many are turned away at the borders or outright killed.


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