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The Churning Sea

The Churning Sea is an enormous, treacherous expanse of water that defies all attempts at navigation. Deep within its abyssal depths lurk monstrous leviathans, some the size of small islands, that prey upon unlucky ships that wander too close. In the shallows, jagged rocks and hidden reefs lie in wait to dash ships to pieces. The volcanic islands that dot the sea’s surface belch forth clouds of ash and fire, making it impossible to chart a course through the ever-changing landscape. Even airships, which might otherwise offer a safer way to cross the sea, are at the mercy of fierce, unpredictable winds and the constant threat of rocs and other aerial predators that prowl the skies. To venture into The Churning Sea is to invite certain doom, and those brave enough to try to chart a course through it must do so at their own peril.


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