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The Crimson Charter Group

The Crimson Charter Group provides services to any and all citizens of Allyria, for protection against unique and evolving dangers or advanced teams for special tasks or sensitive missions.


The Chrimson Charter Group (CCG) consists of a relatively flat structure of ranks and titles, with most of its members being average citizens.   Aside from masters and councils, there is no official membership. Anyone may apply for any contract, but masters or chapter councils always make the final decision for who is assigned to a contract. Survival for an average person is unlikely for many contracts. Unknown average citizens would typically only be granted contracts for things like supply runs, or perhaps low danger caravan guards.   Chapters are present in most major cities, with messengers or agents available virtually anywhere there is civilization. Traders and soldiers have been known to pass along communications for the charter when needed and are usually granted a small compensation for doing so.   Each chapter is headed up by one or more Master's and/or councils of officially apointed governing agents from townships such as mayors or the lord of a keep. These Masters report to the White City chapter which is then responsible to the King and the Conclave.

Public Agenda

The Chrimson Charter Group is an officially sanctioned, provately operated branch of the military. It is a pseudo-franchise enterprise where compensation for services is typicaly provided by the person, township, or other organization who submits a request for contracting. In the case of poorer townships or requests which would normally fall under the responsibility of governing authorities, the Conclave has established a treasury fund to compensate for competing contracts which are in the intrests of the citizenry in general or provide regional benefits.   Typical privately funded contracts include things like caravan guards, private protection, monster hunting, item retrieval, rare or dangerous ingredient gathering, etc.   Contracts utilizing state sponsorships typically include regional defense, bounty hunting, monster hunting (regional threats), bolstering town guardships, or other special mission assignments which the regular guard or military is unable to accommodate for any reason.


The Crimson Charter is an official document created by the conclave and signed into law by the king which established the framework for private military enterprise which is available as a public service to any citizen, group, town, or other entity which is entited to protection or military resource use under normal conditions.   It was created during a time when military resources were stretched too thin to provide the necessary protections to those in need. Militia groups and mercenary clans began creating more problems than they were solving. With no accountability, sabotage, in-fighitng, and gang-like affiliations began flaring into open conflict over regional control. Some of those groups remain in existence today, and are officially considered bandits and marauders who may be captures or killed for a bounty.   By establishing a private enterprise to take over these societal functions, the crimson charter proved and end to most disputes due to increased monetary incentive for cooperation and standardization which did not require official miitary affiliation or cost the state training and equipment as it would for soldiers.
Founding Date
419 K
Successor Organization
Ruling Organization
Notable Members


The Sandsong Vanguard was one of the model organizations which provided a framework for the CCG. They frequently collaborate on complex or regional contracts and are sometimes, though unofficially, considered differnt branches of the same social group.


The merchants guiuld has established regular defense contracts which provide a mutually beneficial relationship.


The Codex Liberation Front regularly employs The CCG for special missions to retrieve artifacts or protect researchers in their travels and explorations.


The Chidlren of the Earth represnt an analogous group who perform similar functions, but require official membership, training, and deiscilpine. Though not outlaws, the Chidlren of the Earth are a skilled mercenary group, which tends to be bad for business.


The Leyfield Arcanum holds a level of mild disdain for the CCG because their contracts sometimes conflic wit htheir interests of keeping magical knowledge and ortifacts out of the hands of common people.


The White Hand has been the target for several recent contracts. There is an open contract, which is incredibly rare, which allows anyone to capture and deliver a member of The White Hand for a substatial bounty.


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