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The Sanctified Lantern

The Sanctified Lantern

  Description: The Sanctified Lantern is a radiant lantern, intricately engraved with holy symbols representing various good-aligned deities. When lit, it emits a soft, white light that purifies and protects. This lantern was crafted by a conclave of priests dedicated to driving out evil and is especially potent against spirits and undead and any beings of negative energy.   Activate: (Interact) — Light or Extinguish   Usage: Held in one hand  

Light Effect:

  Light Radius: 20-foot radius of bright light and 20 additional feet of dim light.

Positive Energy: The light counts as positive energy for the purpose of affecting undead, spirits, and other beings.  

Passive Effects:

  Aura of Protection:
While the lantern is lit, all allies within the bright light radius gain a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks and abilities from undead and evil spirits.

Repulsion Field:
Undead, demons, devils, and evil spirits within the bright light radius must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or be unable to enter the bright light radius. If they succeed, they can enter but are frightened 2. They must reattempt the save each round they remain in the bright light.  

Active Effects:

  Holy Burst: (2 Actions)
Once per day, the wielder can command the lantern to emit a burst of holy light. All undead and evil spirits within 30 feet must make a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, they take 8d6 positive damage and are stunned 1. On a success, they take half damage and are not stunned. On a critical failure, they take double damage and are stunned 2.   Sanctuary Glow: (1 Action) (Concentrate, Divine, Light, Transmutation)
The wielder can focus the lantern's light on a single target within the bright light radius. The target gains the effects of a Sanctuary spell (DC 23) for 1 minute or until the target attacks.  

Crafting the Holy Lantern of Exorcism

Craft Requirements: The creator must be a divine spellcaster of at least 9th level and must have access to the Light and Heal spells. The creator must spend 350 gp in rare materials and succeed at a DC 25 Crafting check.
Current Location
Base Price
700 gp


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