Daekiver Turrelon AKA The Immortal Isles

Greetings, we here in Daekiver Turrelon live a life of Unity and Harmony and Peace. We do absolutely unless called by one of the Guardians. We like bliss. But we do like to useful if and when we can.   Many of us enjoy doing what we can.   However, we cannot help Nicholas. It is a shame, a disappointment really. What can we do? Nicholas forgives us but we would love it if he could find us something to do. Many of us still look down on Humans quite fondly!   Baxter, on the other hand, tends to be our contact now. He often gives us jobs. We deserve to feel needed, to feel useful. And Baxter helps. Nicholas, deserved our help when Ancient Power left, is now good. We just feel terrible we couldn’t help out.
  Deakiver Turrelon, more commonly called Ancient Gods and Goddesses Home, is a realm where all gods and goddesses live. Minus the Six Deities of Ancient Power who have a realm of their own. After their life and worship on Earth, these deities live in a different plane of existence.   But not all gods live here.   The death of an entire pantheon or a specific god can happen. Sometimes, they die because humans have evolved and do not need to worship those deities. Sometimes, some depart permanently because they choose to suicide. The main reason is due to Humans not believing in them.   The realm is a giant collection of different “houses”. Each house is a pantheon that exists. Each of the houses exist in a dimension. The main dimension is like an apartment complex that houses each realm of gods.   Most “houses” are by pantheon. Each door is decorated with that pantheon’s name and founding date (if any).   While there Jain, Hindu, Buddhist are religions with a pantheon, they are not included because those disagree with how God Realm was set up. Also, Islam God, Christian God and Judaism God are not part of this either for reasons unknown.   Most mortals really do not believe these gods and goddesses still exist which many deities are fine with. They let Christianity take over for the most part. Ignorant people are actually the best for them right now.   Nicholas first learns these exist because he told by Father Winter they do. He has gone into the God Realm. Baxter learns, albeit much later, from Father Winter that these deities are real and still exist.  

The Mystical Community Relations

Due to the relationship between Greco-Roman Primordials and the Six Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Power, the whole Collective Congress knew about God Realm and each pantheon in it. It is a well-kept secret for the sake of Peace and Harmony.   Mostly, each Guardian knows it. With them knowing, many deities are willing and able to help out for any Guardian. They deem each one “crucial to the children on Earth”. And “needed to keep them from the Dark Magic’s Spirit”.   Each god understands why the Legendary Guardians of Childhood were called to help the children.    


Aztec pantheon   Canaanite pantheon   Celtic pantheon   Chinese pantheon   Egyptian pantheon   Greco-Roman pantheon   Incan pantheon   Irish pantheon   Japanese pantheon   Maya pantheon   Native American pantheons   Norse pantheon   Slavic pantheon   Sumerian pantheon
Alternative Name(s)
Home of Ancient Gods and Goddesses
Dimensional plane


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