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Meaning literally 'The Way of the Ancestors', Anceter is the religion of the Elves , the most fluid belief found in Andara, as the stories and myths differ across the various regions. The main basis of the religion follows the teachings of The Three sons and the groups they founded later in their lives. The followers of this religion are almost entirely Elves, as those that do follow it are often mocked, insulted or worse by races like the Humans.


It was at first The Mages that formalised the teachings of the brothers, who helped grow their organisation into one the most powerful groups in the early days of the Elves. Later the teachers of the religion began to build places of learning, formalised into churches later on. Now the religion is mainly ran by local teachers and small churches, either publicly ran in Elvish controlled areas or in a more secretive way in The Central Continent.

Public Agenda

The teaching of the church comes down to 3 parts, depending on the type of belief a member has, following closely to the way one of The Three sons had. Since the Elves losing power to the humans the church has had very little influence over governments or leaders, it has no official leadership and so cannot be organised into one group.


Most of the churches in the old days were very wealthy, even though many preached charity and to help the less fortunate. They accumulated many items of power from the Titans and the Elves.


After being developed from The Mages in Andlis-Harh the church recruited several followers from Lowren to continue his teachings, as they grew and started to get members who simply wanted to listen and be part of a religious community they required more space, they built larger places to discuss ideas, teach and socialise.   After many years of the church being a part of Andlis-Harh the was reformed quite majorly during the first arrival of The Comet to include part of the legend surrounding the new leader. This was a time when The Mages took a major part in leading the church, although this was short lived as followers started to fracture as they disliked the more intense direction the church was taking. Several years after The Comet had caused the reformation a restoration took place that put more local leaders in control of their churches, which were now common all across The Central Continent. After the Humans took control their religion became the only accepted option for the remaining Elves to follow. The Elves that left the continent remained as Ancetites. To this day it remains a big part of Elvish culture, with them still believing The Comet brings good fortune and is a blessing, The Three sons are still there to teach and guide them and that the Elves are a strong people who will survive any struggle.

Demography and Population

Spread across the world, where ever there are Elves, there is Anceter, even in secret. There are over a million Elves in the world, most of those follow Anceter fairly strongly.


Some small villages in The Central Continent have populations of Wood Elf that follow Anceter, although this is done fairly secretly. Some small secret groups in Human cities are followers. The Western Continent is almost entirely controlled by the Wood Elf civilisation, who follow Anceter.


The Protectors were at a time the military part of the religion, but there was never a need for them. They had soldiers following the religion so if they ever needed them they would have them.

Foreign Relations

Disliked by the Humans and very disliked by Human Crown, although some areas of The Central Continent continent don't mind too much if they follow it, as long as they don't preach or spread it. The Dwarves, Centaurs and Tarfen have no issue with Ancetites as they have no formal religion, and some of the minor races have studied or follow the teachings of Anceter.

Mythology & Lore

The Three sons story is the basis of the main religion. The Comet is the cause of the reformation and some of the more modern beliefs.

Cosmological Views

The belief is that the Elves were created by the Titans to take over the world after they left. With the world itself being crafted and built by the great race, with the help of the dragons that were tamed. The mountains and valleys were where the Titans had pushed the land together or pulled it apart.

Tenets of Faith

The three pillars to follow correspond to each of The Three sons;  
  1. Law, Justice and Truth
  1. Cunning, Cleverness and Skill
  1. Kindness, Family and Love


Depending on which Pillar an Elf chooses to follow closely, doing wrong can be interpreted very differently.   A follower of the first pillar will see lying or dishonesty as a great failing, often being taught to call out and punish those who do so. A follower of the second pillar will see ignorance as a great sin, letting your people suffer while you could act, not matter the morality of your actions. A follower of the third pillar will see greed or aggression as a sin.


The worship of Anceter is much more social and about discussing stories, telling ideas and singing songs of worship. Reading from texts written by well respected teachers is common.


Teachers of this religion often become one after being taught as a young Elf, they grow up studying precious ancient texts recovered from old Elvish towns or cities.

Granted Divine Powers

In the stories of the religion, there were Elves contacted by one of The Three sons and granted great power, they supposedly went on to fight monsters and beasts.


There was a group of followers who believed that there was a fourth son, who believed in travel, exploration and discovery, who left and explored the world. This was rejected by the majority of the church due to there being no evidence and the belief slowly faded.


Founding Date
370 AT, reformation around 3006 ED, restoration in 3008 ED
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Way of the ancestors, The Brothers Teachings
Related Ethnicities

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