Anhult Wildlands Atlas

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor
Lavani Greeting a Friend by Hal Foster

Welcome to the Wildlands

Far to the North, as the lands become rugged and remote, nature moves in close. Her presence, hangs on the tip of every leaf and breaths on you with every breeze. If the unsettling nature of the region doesn't keep a would-be traveler at home, the threats from enormous beasts, hostile goblins, and even giants send many packing.


Unknown ancient powers ripped the land apart. A thousand mile fault divides the wildlands in two, leaving temperate rainforest in the West and wind scorched plains in the East. Empires once dwelt in both lands and each fell into disaster, brought to their knees by dragons. Magical powers were expended at such a great level that the land drained of the mystical and arcane.


Survivors and refugees eeked out an existance in the Wildlands. In this land, community isn't just a nice value but the difference between life and death. Old forests still cover much of the land but vast plains, moors, and seas take their share of the stage. Anhult refers to all the known land but outside the civilized lands of the South, people call the frontier in the North the Wildlands.


I have not been to the South. I am bound to this land in the North, the Anhult Wildlands, initially against my will but now due to compassion, friendship, and duty. So that is the knowledge I have to share. As new magic returns to the land, I hope you will join me in protecting the people of the forests and all of the wildlands.





K'hala Swamps

This region carved itself from the land when the Anhult Rise formed a thousand years ago. Water from the Scaled Plateau falls the height of a dozen trees into the basin. The trapped water slowly drains toward the Coral Coast becoming hundreds of miles of swamp before joining the Great Sea. Read more

Bay of Claws

A small sea it's own right, the bay is an estuary for fish - and their predators. Twenty to thirty-foot spires of rock dot the surface of the bay. They appear to be remenants of a magical spell that impacted the entire bay. Mists cover the bay most nights filled ethereal and dangerous entities. Read more

Anhult Woodlands

This vast forest is the heart of the Wildlands. The city of Etonia sits on the edge of the Bay of Claws and Woodlands. The Long Road North winds through the K'hala Swamps, then the Woodlands, ending at Etonia. Forest villages have spread through the southern woodlands accelerating the integration of settlers and the Sogut, the people of the forest. Read More

Anhult Rise

The rift at the center of the Wildlands. Something cataclysmic sheared the land. The eastern side of the Rise ascended several hundred feet separating the East from the West and leaving a wall disrupting weather patterns, changing climates, and isolating the lands. Read more

Fjarre Forest

This is the far North, hundreds of miles of wilderness beyond the Woodlands. Predators here hunt the hunters that have been brave or foolish enough to travel into their territory. Two tribes of the Sobut withdrew to the Fjarre, aiming to remain separate from the world. Read more

Scaled Plateau


Great Sea




Theranites and Thaweans

Three Claw Tribe



The Grove

Settlers from the South



Autumn Hill Church

Thorngage Manor

Forest Villages

Montsilt, Pale Gear, Ander's End, Mirasoon, Treir, and Everst

Red Lion Inn

Innerst Tannery


Silver Mine



-description -quarters -suburbs -factions -guilds -festival

Atlas Table of Contents

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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