Arrows' Trap

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

Each clay disk was no more than 3 inches across. They had been fired in a local kiln without any additives that would prevent them from being brittle. A single rune had been inscribed in each. Only a thin white glaze had been used so the disks were a rough texture and the orange of the clay made them look pink.   "They're so pretty!" Yvette squeaked.   "Ugh. How are we going to protect the town with coasters?" Artie looked at Jung.   Jung laughed at the comments and handed out the rest of the disks to the dozen or so people gathered around him. He placed three disks by his feet.   "Everyone take five steps back." He pulled an arrow out of the quiver at his waist and have it nocked on his before he finished the sentence.   "Better take two more."   The worried glances didn't hold up any feet from stepping back. When Jung had enough room he tighten the bow pushing the grip toward the ground. The limbs of the bow pulled back as the string pulled up to his face.   He released his arrow into one of the plates, "Hortha!" speed   The disk shattered and the arrow dug into the ground. Jung immediately pulled out another arrow and walked counter-clockwise to the next disk.   This time he said, "Mekma!" accuracy   He kept walking and when the third disk cracked he called out, "Turma!" defense   Shattered pottery surrounded the three arrows sticking out of the ground. Jung knelt done and touched the grass. "Olasta huada khawen."   The grass grew to the height of the arrows, obsuring them from view.   "Ok, the person that sets the trap won't trigger it." Jung walked around the circle one more time. "But, you must document where you place each trap at the town hall. We don't want any accidents."   Jung walked over to the youngest of the group. "Samuel, you ready?"   The teen had been struggling with a large shield. The heavy iron reinforced shield stood six inches taller than Samuel and was three feet wide. He manged to heft it up by leaning it back and lifting with his legs. He took a few steps toward the arrows.   Thunk. thunk. Crack.   The three arrows launched into the air and came down on the shield the first two stuck solidly in the wood. The third had split through the wood and a small part of the arrowhead tip stuck out of the back of the shield, inches above Samuel's head.   "That is how we protect the town with coasters." Jung was satified his point was made and began reviewing each step in detail.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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