Bread and Bounty

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

It's a newsletter name. One of the few publications coming out of Etonia. The collection of stories, health advice, recipes, and weather predictions give people a peak into the frontier without having to leave their comfort zone. In a few years it has become the most widely read periodical in print. It helps that it is distributed at cost on a simple paper instead of parchment. The newsletter can be found in the poorest of homes up to the manors of nobles.   All common publications are made with the help of magic these days. The Bread and Bounty is no exception. However, an attentive eye will have noticed a dragon icon added to the seventh page. Sets of seven refer to the mythical seven companions of the Silver Dragon. Everyone can see it but it seems only the devout can summon the magic stored in the mark. It is said to reveal a message from the Silver Dragon of the North.   Those investigating the rumors can't read the message even when they look over the shoulder of one of the devout. Much is known about the messages as the devout have been interrogated. But, none of the messages call for the blasphemy or revolution. Some message have even called on the devout to share the message. Etonia had declared that they are not responsible for the messages. And, in fact, not all the newsletters have the mark. However, that could be planned plausible deniability.   I work for one of the investigators so can share this insight. At this time none of the kingdoms are taking action but I wonder how long that will last.   While it is a small trickle in the scale of things, a few of the devout have sold all they have, taken a caravan North, and moved to Etonia. I have to admit my heart races each time I look at one of the newsletters. I secretly hope to be one that can read the messages too. If one day I can see the messages, I wonder if I will move North as well.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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