Etonia Gazetter

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

The small fishing village in this location had no name remembered by history. Etonia on the other hand has become the "beacon of the frontier" in a little over a decade. A couple hundred fishers, farmers, and hunters made up the population along the coast that consolidated into the City after the Council arrived. The council wasn't elected in the tradition of old democracies, nor were they in a line of kings or royalty. They were heroes, or some might say renegades, from the South.


Avast the wizard arrived first. His dealings with Sogut elders in the forest earned him respect with both the people of the coast and the Sogut. He brought the Priest, Sodath Edwards, the talented (and wealthy) musician, Ranon, and many others from the South. They became the core of the Council and ruling body of the growing city.



Avast had been a general in a war. Two of the captains and forty of the soldiers in their unit settled in the city. Edwards brought fifteen hundred followers and refuges from the South over the first decade. The South had little interest in supporting those left behind from wars and economic depressions. Edwards' gospel kept the caravans on the Long Road North full. Ranon's connections across the South from her music career brought skilled tradesman and courtiers North. Often these were fervent fans of her music and performances.


Halfway through their first decade the city began getting refugees from the Wildlands itself. The Sogut began resettling to the coast. They spoke of a mist and missing family members. The Council mounted several expeditions into the forest looking for the source of the trouble but did not encounter the mists the way the refugees had. The trickle of refugees turned into a deluge. By the end of the decade half of the city's 5,000 residents were Sogut.



Fishing, farming, and construction take time of the majority of population. The Council pulled together an industrious construction guild within a few years. Avast, Edwards, and Ranon each took on special projects in the city. Today there is a blossoming Heralds Guild that has hired out journeyman to kingdoms in the South. An open marketplace that allows any farmer or merchant from the region to participate. Traders from the South must set up a storefront instead and hire local staff. The one exception to this is during the Fish and Biscuit Festival. Those were all under the oversight or direction of Ranon.


Avast had been gifted a unique building in the old part of the city. The druid that gifted it to him had been a caretaker of the structure for many years and had been part of a long geneology of druids that had managed the building. This became the Avast Library. Scribes and Mages from the Library could give any magic school from the South a run for their money in knowledge. The library benefited from easy access to ruins in the forests around the city, that other schools had to travel long distances to research.


The Church of the Silver Dragon is the largest building in the old part of the city. Some say it was one of the few structures left from a collapsed civilization that the Sogut outlived. A compassionate clergy has gathered to provide for all who need it in the city. The Sogut are devout followers of the faith



The common language of the South is spoken in shops, public places and at official events. The Council has encouraged tourism and trade with the South and the common language has been critical to make that effort work. The Etonia Fish and Biscuit Rally brings nobles, musicians, and skilled workers from across the South to the city every Spring.

Sogut is spoken in many homes and taught at the Library. A rudimentary knowledge of the language is required for the Etonia City Watch. It has a base founded in ancient elvish languages so is a natural fit for scholars and scribes at the Library.


Important Sites

Festival Grounds
City Gates
Town Hall



Fish and Biscuits

Map will go here

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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