Reed Rebellion

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor
The leather binding and cover on the journal had cracked over time. The fact that the binding held meant the book had been intended as a spell book once upon a time. The parchment and glue were designed to outlast the elements. It resisted age but was not impervious to it. Flipping through the pages a couple passages stood out.   ***   Today we raced through the streets and alleys of the dock district. An entire squad had narrowed in on our location. They couldn't magically detect us due to our necklaces but that didn't help against more traditional policing. We walked away from a check point and they took that as a suspicious act. They were right to chase us, of course, and it got tense. They had a squad placed around the neighboring intersections just for such an event. By the time we made three turns there were six pikes racing down the street after us. I knew they whole squad had been deployed when we spotted six more at the next intersection. Two came from each direction. The alleys were the only option left. We stonewalked through a warehouse wall and slipped out of their cordone.   ***   We got the incantation to access the teleportation grid. I have been practicing it all day. The Theran that keep the system running are descended from earth elementals. It becomes second nature for them to move people or material between transport sites. Even with my affinity for the land I am struggling with the incantation. I'm going to try five more times then sleep. I have to fully commit the incantation to memory. And, we need this to work. Our Theran contacts lost their lives to get us this knowledge.   ***   Breakthrough today! The crystal held as the devil tried to escape. We embedded it in the head of a mace made of refined Charlinorite. When we get all the pieces in place, the next time Damik uses a transport site we will trap the demon driving his brutal ramage. There are a few more hurdles to clear but they are all about winning over hearts and minds. Callalily can do that with her eyes closed.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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