Theses and Protests

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

The worn but comforting chair in the high priest's office bore witness to many deep conversations and debates. But, today as I sat, legs pulled up, head resting on the chair's right wing, the chair and I listened to history.   Avast had finally convinced the High Priest to write about the miracles of the church. The church had been set up in the oldest building in the city. The structure had been around for as long as anyone could remember. The all stone structure weathered storms and seasons with easy. It had been used as a refuge by many even before it was a church.   But, it is really what happened when we started holding ceremonies and providing services to the community that is of interest today. One of the wings of the church had been set up as an hospital to treat travelers on the Long Road North and refugees from the forest. Another had been set up as a soup kitchen of sorts- like the churches of the South that were the lifeline of the masses of poor. The rising number of refugees were the target here.   You expect a miracle to be sudden and awe inspiring- like a bolt from the sky or something. But we almost didn't notice our miracle. The front wall of the church began to glow. It didn't outshine the lamp light at first but in a few weeks the lamps were no longer needed in the main sanctuary. The glow has continued for over a year.   The refugees say the Silver Dragon looks upon Etonia with favor. After much meditation, High Priest Edwards believes that it is their belief and our stewardship that are the source of the light. There have not been miracles like this in the South for ages so we believe the Silver Dragon is the medium that has allow belief to take form. So, we have all put our faith in the Silver Dragon.   The letter being written will cause quite a stir when the clergy of the South read it. Not only have we posited the Sun god is false but that it is belief and our actions that are the source of the divine. We have become a faction. I hope not the kind that is branded heretics and hunted down. But, I'm willing to put my faith in the Silver Dragon and High Priest Edwards. I have seen too much to deny this belief.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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