Alusia Dynasty Otho

King of the Maelstroms

The Otho family, once known for temperance and steadiness, is a dynasty in turmoil. When petty king Benedict II died in 1235, he willed the throne to his two children, Giles II and Brangwine I, born twins. Furthermore, he left the islands undivided, with Giles and Brangwine as co-petty-kings. This was an unwise move, and a recipe for later strife. Giles so far has proven infertile, the result he believes of a curse his sister threw on him. Brangwine, on the other hand, has had five children so far, and she has used courtesy titles to install them in different counties and baronies.   When undivided, the Othos inherit the unofficial title of Lord of the Alusians, and King of the Maelstroms. The household head is the petty king of Alusia, the count of Olliandar and Yrdath, and the baron of Oeltorn and Rumholme. For offices, he is the Lord Warden of the Sea of Alusia, Lord Warden of the Alusian Straits, and the Keeper of the Keys of Alusia. He keeps his capital in Fenwidden City, and maintains townhouses in Baelrin, Solarette, Sremain, and Starshaven. In Imerkand, he keeps palaces in Ill-Jar and Calistaad.   The Otho badge is a chaos swirl, representing the local maelstroms, the Snake and the Serpent. The family color is white, and their motto is “Nature doesn’t negotiate.”   The Otho parent house was Montessi, and they still use Montessi as their Morganatic or civilian names. Eleven generations back, Giselda the Selkie married into their bloodline, and she is counted as the Otho’s mythological progeniture. Their cadet landed houses are Prindess of Berlan, Alerno of Kauldros, and Exton of Balme, and their unlanded cadet houses are Gelvine, Palma, and Estin.  


  • Deep Sight
  • Ear to the World
  • Heroic Ancestor—Giselda the Selkie
  • Keen Observer
  • Roots—Selkie
  • Savoire-Faire
  • Social Privilege
  • Old Soul


  • Family Strife
  • Magik

    • None


    • Twin Crowns of Alusia
    • Star of Telik
    • Sword of Otho
    • Wand of Marwan
    • Chain of State, the Maelstrom Chain


    • Otho I 1050-1069 m. 1052 Giselda the Selkie
    • Edward I 1069-1088
    • Giles I 1088-1119
    • Razin I 1119-1122
    • Edward II 1122-1146
    • Arthur I 1146-1172
    • Marwan I 1172-1196
    • Benedict I 1196-1198
    • Marwan II 1198-1219
    • Benedict II 1219-1235
    • Giles II & Brangwine I (Twins) 1235-present

    Immediate Family

  • Benedict Otho r. 1219-1235, d. 135
  • Wife—Sabah m. 1195
  • Giles Otha (Brangwine’s Twin), b. 1196, r. 1235-present
  • Wife—Melora
  • Official Mistress—Sandelina (Imerkand)
  • Morganatic Wife—Tabitha
  • Unofficial Mistress—Erinia (Aarchonian)
  • Harem—18 concubines
  • Brangwine Otha (Gile’s Twin) b. 1196, r. 1235-present
  • Husband—Franchesco m. 1212
  • Favorite—Ariadne Humphry (Burlam)
  • She had divided up the family’s courtesy titles among her five children)
  • Angilina Countess of Olliandar
  • Ediva Co-Countess of Yrdath
  • Aldo Co-Count of Yrdath
  • Lucia Baroness of Oeltorn
  • Lucan Baron of Rumholme
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