Alusia Fable & Folklore

Recurring Theme, Lore, or Symbolism

  • Alusia, like a coin, has two sides. One is a culture devoted to Liberal values, education, and a worldly culture. The flip side of the coin is darker, with its chthonic past and burgeoning
  • Alludian Cult—Most people are unaware of this cult, and those who know try to keep their lips sealed. This dangerous chthonic cult protects its privacy and meets in deep caves to worship Allud and his associated Old Ones.

Local Creatures

  • As local creatures go, Alusia has a few ithmargs, and some warped ones. Selkies play into the islands’ culture, and phantasmata often are employed in Fenwidden. The phantasmata are a side-effect of so many wizards living and working here.

Historical Figures

  • Three of the most well-known people in Alusia’s history are blade-mages, workers of the world-famous Alusian steel. Among them are Ystor the Gray Mage, Master of Forges, 8th century blade-mage; Mournesong the Melancholy, a 10th woman blade-mage; and Alsitair Darkstorm, a 12th century master of the tradition.

Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • For myth and folklore, Allud, the Unhallowed, the Unforeseen, dominates the scene here. This prehuman, chthonic deity or monster has not been seen millennia, but still the islands of Alusia are named after him, and there is the secret Alludian Cult here who worship him and his fellow Old Ones.

Historical Sites

  • The Rock of Fellhope, is a desolate tabletop island that lies in the channel between Yrdath and Ellel. No one will live here, nor will anyone abide visiting this place if it can be avoided. No one remembers the source of the oppressive energy that is generated here.
  • The Snake and Serpent are two massive, overwhelming whirlpools that are connected to each other. The Serpent is north of Harmsway Island, and it exists half the day, while the Snake is between Olliandar and Ellel, and it exists when the Serpent is quit.

Magic on the Landscape

  • One of the more bizarre Alusian legends is that of the Sentinels of Argais Leantre. The words “Argais Leantre” have lost their meaning over the ages, but the tales persist about twelve giant statues that guard Yrdath Island from outside forces. It is unknown if the statues were robotic or magikal, or both, but they are buried at equal points around the island’s perimeters. Legend suggests that these giants will activate and fight if needed. No one knows what the statues looked like, and no known drawings still exist.
  • Alusian skies are noted for high levels of strange, aerial phenomina. Sometimes they are dancing, colored lights, or shiny metal objects that flash with beacons and maneuver erratically. Other times, it’s views of, or perhaps gates to, fantistical cities. These phenomina can manifest as booming noises, or unnatural rains. Most natives believe these events are evidence of Others or Djinn.

Material History

  • Alusian, crucible steel is celebrated the world over, and it only is mined from a series of iron-sand banks in the Skyline Mountains in Yrdath, Alusia. Alusian steel blades are known for their keen edges and edge retention.
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