Alusia Military

Military Might and Force Projections


Alusians have developed a hybrid military training regime called the “Alusian Way of War”, which reflects both standard Aorlisian techniques, plus those of Imerkand. They also teach Empty Fist Fighting, which is a combination of wrestling, boxing, and grappling.  


This military is composed of the standard military hierarchy, with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions. Their discipline is considered respectable, although mainland Aorlisians know little about Alusian soldiers.  


Their soldiers are devoted to service, and the native leaders conduct themselves professionally. These officers all take the game of Chess passionately and treat it as serious war training. Their preferred tactic is to divide their armies into center, rear, advance, and flanking units; skirmishing is their primary approach; and cavalry plays a secondary role to the infantry and archers.  

Arms & Armor

Specialty weapons such as the jineta and manople are associated with Alusia, but these are exceptions and not used in a military context. Most often, Alusia’s troops wield the spear, lance, javelin, war dart, dagger, sling, recurve short bow, and arming sword. Alusian armor is lighter than that of their Aorlisian brothers to the north, all for better heat management, movement, and greater stamina. The better armed soldiers wear light gambesons, maille, and plated-maille vests, although some prefer scale or lamellar armors. They carry round bucklers or agardas, which are double helix-shaped shields. Alusian helmets are spiked, conical shapes with aventails, and sometimes nasals, cheek guards, or maille lower face protection.  


Alusia can field an army of 15,000 to 20,000, and its infantry is 50% light pole arms; its cavalry is 05% heavy lancers, and 10% light horse skirmisher; and 20% are recurve short bow archers, and 15% slingers. In addition, Alusia brings along +5% pioneers, +5% siege engineers, and +5% scouts, but their siege capabilities are underdeveloped.  

Alusian Soldier.png



Alusia employs many mercenaries, and their numbers are about +30% of the total land force. Also, they have 16 Knight Keepers, 200 Knight Keeper sergeants, 40 and Black Habit Knights.  


The country’s standing navy is 20 to 30 ships, each with a crew complement of 15, and 800 marines per ship. These vessels are caravel built, not well-suited for open ocean, and their home port is Fenwidden.  

Alusian Coursers

Standing an impressive 15-16 hands tall, these glorious beasts have metalic coats with brilliant sheens. They are usually black, bay, chestnut, buckskin, palomino, cremello, perlino and grey. These delicate but elegant athletes have high head carriage, and long, slim bodies, distinctive, hooded eyes. These hotblooded horses are intelligent but willful, competitive, and full of personality. This mount works well in the desert, and requires minimal food and water. They are versatile, and their endurance is legendary. They are lauded as powerful jumpers.  


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