Alusia Places of Interest

Rock of Fellhope

This is a desolate tabletop island that lies in the channel between Yrdath and Ellel Islands. This is a small, wind-blasted plateau about a quarter of a mile long, walled around with steep cliffs and encompassed by a sandy beach. At the isle’s northern end, the plateau rises about an eighth of a mile high, culminating in a tower-like point. The tower’s steep north wall makes it unlikely that anyone will try to climb it, but the island is considerably lower in the south. The Rock is barren but for the crabs that comb its beaches and the sea birds that make their nests in its cliffs. No one lives here, nor will anyone abide visiting this place if it can be avoided, because there is an oppressive, heavy energy here.  

Snake and Serpent

These are two gigantic whirlpools in the Sea of Arlin amid the Alusian Isles. Each of these whirlpools has a twelve hour daily duration, and when not active, their waters are serene. The Snake is just north of Harmsway Island and active from midnight till noon, and the Serpent between Olliandar and Ellel is in motion from noon to midnight. Any unlucky ship caught in either of these maelstroms will be destroyed and their debris will surface days later. The Snake and Serpent whirlpools each cover a three-mile radius.


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