Baelric Dynasty Donald

The Red Aogar King in Waiting

This family is seen as the guardians of secret lore, the keepers of the land’s weirdness, and otherworldly visions. That status is reinforced by their prematurely white hair and the Donald eye, or the drooping eye they often are born with. The leadership of House Donald comes with these nicknames: Lord of the East, Long Strider, the Red Aogar King in Waiting, and the White Wyvern. Their sworn enemies are the Geraints, their rivals for control of a united Baelric.   The Donald’s primary holding is the petty sovereign principality of Fendarm, and the baron of Noreath (which includes Wiksalen town). The Donalds, like all the other Baelric rulers, have the rank of petty sovereign prince, however he is the unofficial overlord of East Baelric, which includes Solger, Gwynstan, Breck, Dunston, Haberre, Cymdull, and Eagar. He has no direct power in those states, but their princes usually will fall into line with his plans.   Officially, the head of House Donald answers to the emperor of Aorlis, but that official is a long way away, allowing the Donald to lean more towards autonomy. The Donald’s heraldry displays the white wyvern, their color is white or argent, and their motto is “With Freedom and Equity.” When they use a morganatic name, it is Troedman.   As mythological progenitures go, the Donalds claim Llynd, a mythological forbearer king and druid. Also, Gwalchgwynn the Gray, the Polymath wizard. Their more recent lineage includes an air elemental (sylph) and a flower maid. Donald’s parent house is Owain; their landed cadet houses are Emory of Breacham, Edourd of Kapham, and Olange of Wynnum; and their unlanded cadet houses are Finnian, Ricaud, Nadalbert, and Bellhonor.  


  • Cauldron of Rebirth
  • Crwth of Destiny
  • Stone of Confirmation
  • Diadem of Llynd


  • Deep Sight
  • Authority Figure
  • Ear to the World
  • Forefather’s Ghosts
  • Grudge Bonus—House Geraint
  • Heroic Ancestor—Gwalchgwyn
  • Heroic Ancestor—Llynd
  • Intuitive Mage
  • Old Soul
  • Polymath
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Flower Maid
  • Roots—Sylph
  • Second Sight
  • Social Privilege


  • Deformity—Drooping Eye (“Donald Eye”)
  • Easily Offended
  • Secretive
  • Trait—Prematurely White Hair
  • Weirdness Magnet

    Skill Pool

  • Lore—Occult Secrets
  • Lore—Flowers
  • Magik

    • Well versed in magik, with a speciality in knowing the unknowable, plus elemental air magik and horticulture spells


    • Donald 1030-1052
    • Brian I 1052-1073
    • Alain I 1073-1090
    • Aidan I 1090-1110 m. Sendrin the Sylph
    • Heylin I 1110-1122
    • Brian II 1122-1152
    • Alain II 1152-1169
    • Reese I 1169-1182 m. Nissa the Flower Maid
    • Brian III 1182-1199
    • Owain I 1199-1215
    • Aidan II 1215-1231
    • Heylin II 1231-present

    Immediate Family

    • Heylin II Donald Bowstrong, the Just, b. 1211, m 1229, r. 1231-present
    • Consort—Hildigart of Argolin b. 1217
    • Heir—Dorian b. 1134
    • Younger Son—Terrance b. 1136
    • Daughter—Cherylin b. 1137


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