Baelric Dynasty Geraint

The Balladeer Prince

This is a major family in West Baelric that is associated with music and bards. The head of the house is the petty sovereign prince of Kharth and baron of Clawholme. He is more relevant, because he also is the unofficial head of western Baelric, which includes the states of Halderness, Longall, and Monvierd. His goal is to become the king of Baelric, which pits him firmly against his rival claimant, the lord of the Donald family. The Geraint owes fealty to the emperor of Aorlis, but he also acts with independence because the emperor is far away.   The prince of Kharth comes with these sobriquets: Lord of the West, the Balladeer Prince, and the Dark Aogar Prince in Waiting. When they use a morganatic name, it is Canwyr. The Geraint family crest is a red wyvern, their color is sanguine, and their motto is “Overthrow All Oppressors.” The Geraint’s are avid patrons of bards, bardism, and the Eisteddfod. They have also funded many songbooks of Baelric music, and they are patrons of a school that teaches indigenous musical traditions.   As mythological proginitures go, the Geraint’s include Llynd, a druid-king associated with King Kelthan. Also, they count Brandach among their ancestors. He was the first bard who converted to the Faith, saving his pagan bardic tradition by so doing. Though not well known, the Geraints also include vampire ancestry (via a dhampyre) and some demon blood (via a cambion). The Geraint’s parent house was Gruffyd. Their landed cadet houses include Cadwallon of Aeril, Digory of Dahlbron, and Ebrehar or Grimsby. Their unlanded cadet houses include Casimir, Chippen, and Eloise.  


  • Temple of Law & Discord
  • Geraint’s Spear of Oaths
  • Lyre of Brandach
  • Cauldron of Rebirth


  • They have a rich catalogue of bard magik, as well as extended skill with necromancy and demonology spells.


  • Authority Figure
  • Courageous
  • Foreshadowing
  • Glorious Voice
  • Gracefulness
  • Grudge Bonus—House Donald
  • Heroic Ancestor—Brandach
  • Heroic Ancestor—Llynd
  • Patronage—Bards & Poets
  • Patronage—Eisteddfod
  • Perfect Pitch
  • Prodigy—Musical
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Demon
  • Roots—Vampire
  • Savoire-Faire
  • Social Privilege


  • Family Trait—Geraint Chin
  • Lisping
  • Lumbago
  • Recurring Migraines
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Sickly
  • Slow Healing
  • Underestimated

    Skill Pool

  • Poetry
  • Singing—Cerdd Dant


    • Geraint I 1009-1049
    • Edmarr I 1049-1086
    • Gruffyd I 1086-1089
    • Dylan I 1089-1090
    • Edmarr II 1090-1111 m. Cerise the Cambion
    • Edmarr III 1111-1131
    • Orwain I 1131-1153
    • Reece I 1153-1160
    • Gruffyd II 1169-1189
    • Dylan II 1189-1207, m. Melora of Aarchonia (Dhampyre)
    • Gruffyd I 1207-1235
    • Wade I 1235-Present

    Immidiate Family

    • Wade I Geraint Gold Tongue, b. 1201, r. 1235-present, m. 1224 to Annaline of Trimontre b. 1210
    • Heir—Edmarr b. 1226
    • Younger Son—Orwain b. 1228
    • Daughter—Dahlia b. 1230
    • Daughter—Vivianne b. 1232


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