
Land of Song

Baelric' World View

  • Ours is the land of song, and no one weaves more beautiful melodies or wittier turns of phrase than we Bael folk. The bards of old lived here, and they wove deep enchantments throughout their songs. Even today, a bit of their elder magic remains in our tunes, and the Eisteddfod is organized each year to give the Chair of Poetry to our best bard.
  • The Baelric Hills are among the most romantic landscapes in Aorlis, but agriculture here is a struggle. Yes, we grow what we need, but our real wealth lies in mining (especially alum, coal and slate). Our sheep’s wool commands high prices abroad, and that helps fill our coffers.
  • Baelric’s archers are world renowned and in constant demand, and no bowman can fire further than ours. Yet, let us not forget doughty Marsh Dogs, Baelric’s heavily armed troops with their great swords and spears.
  • This is truly a land of heroes, including Brandach the Bard, Kendroth the Peerless, Maegwydar the Old, Gwalchgwyn the Gray, and many others. There also were the wyverns Doomwing the Desolate and Dreadworm the Pillager, emblazoned still on the Baelric crest.
    Baelric, called the Land of Song, is not a cohesive country, but a collection of competing petty principalities. Baelric is pronounced Bay-El-rik, its adjective is Baelric and its demonym is Baelric or Bael-Men. This is a quite large, land-bound region in far northern Aorlis, between the Halsjarr Mountains to the north, and the Aendril Mountains to the south. There also is an East/West division here, with the Dark Aogar people in west, and the Red Aogar in the east. This beautiful but poor land is composed of rugged hills intermixed with marshes, moors, and heathlands.
    Baelric fighters are known for archery and guerrilla fighting, using the local caves and marshes to best effect, but lacking in a resolve for long conflicts. These people are known for their music, and this culture produces great bards. Baelric produces white wool, minerals (alum, coal, slate), and elm longbows. They prefer white and red clothes, are often barefoot, and have a strong Pagan undercurrent to their faith. Their patron saint is Fulchres the Golden Throated.
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    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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