Baelric Places of Interest

Bottomless Lake of Moire

In remote Cymdul, Baelric, there is a lake that has no floor. It is a watery gate to the Pagan afterlife. Natives used to come here to worship, and they offered sacrifices of valuables they bent on the site and tossed into the waters. The belief was that rendering the treasure worthless and surrendering it to the gods would grant worshipers their wishes or spiritual boons.  

Drygold Vale

In Solger, Baelric, there is a lost valley that stays undisturbed. The many paths that lead here randomly rearrange themselves, keeping the vale safe. No one knows what is there and why it is so well protected.  

Temple of Law and Discord

Found in Kharth, Baelric, within walking distance of Aerlak Town, is a unique holy place that is the beating heart of Aorlis. This location is the virtual and terrestrial embodiment of the whole of reality. It mirrors the zodiac above, or the “Great Wheel,” as Aorlisians call it, and it is called the Nexus of Reality, the hub upon which this universe rotates. Caelum is directly above, and the Nhether Realms are below.All Aorlisian ley lines begin at this, likewise radiating outwards. The temple appears as a well-preserved stone circle, such as left by Neolithic humans or Kui-Kor, but with its twelve dolmens and lintel stones still in place. Each dolman is twenty feet tall and made of a bluish stone; and the lintels are made of a black stone that resembles uncut marble. Eight rows of menhirs radiate out from the circle, four of the rows being situated along the four cardinal directions, and the other four are evenly spaced between them. The whole complex resembles the eight-spoked Kaelthic Wheel of Life with the temple itself as the hub.The valley is rimmed with a chain of earthen mounds or tumuli. At the center of the complex lies an altar or cap stone carved of meteoric iron, and pierced with a key hole. For those who may perceive it, or those that peer into the altar’s pinhole on a solstice or equinox, physical vision falls away, and this place is revealed for what it is in the greater reality. For people inside the circle, a persistent glamour takes over, and the stones seem to be rotating clockwise, each stone passing by at four-minute intervals, tilting back and forth, as does the astrological wheel and its procession above. Each standing stone has a tall barrow wight within, but they only reveal themselves if someone intends harm to the temple or its environment.  

Tumbledown Falls

This place is an open secret among Baelric bards and poets. It lies on the north banks of the Garr River, and this is where bards still gather to study, compete and memorize their extensive lore. The ancient order of bards are all members of the Faith now, but the Tumbledown Falls are remembered as a pagan holy place. It seems idyllic here, with beautiful waterfalls and giant oak trees.


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