
Old Todd Town, Fox Haven

Most of the old Tobias Toddworth stories are set here, lending Beeler its nicknames of Old Todd Town and Fox Haven. This is an inland seaport on the north shores of County Glumn, where it meets the Sea of Silence, which is part of the greater inland Fern Maer. Beeler’s landward side is surrounded in old growth forest, and the town is in the County of Glumn, in the Duchy of Caindos, in the High Kingdom of Arlium. Built along Old Street where it hugs Caindos’ coast, Beeler is picturesque and charming to visitors.
Old Street connects it with Ruislan/Ultimo City to the west by southwest, and Olarette Town east to the northeast. Beeler also is tied by a secondary road to distant Odby Magna. Across the Dhurse Strait, Beeler also is connected with the island town Maburne on Dhurse Island. Beeler lies with the Malkorl Forest District, meaning that it is administered by the crown first, and the local clans and nobility second. Its crest is a sable fluer de lis on a field of or. Beeler is a Clan Bhraeme stronghold, and a sympathetic hotbed for the Caindosian Separatist Church.


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