Bridge Ward

This occupied bridge is a city ward in its own right. It crosses the Ringe Taern and connects to Mayoral Island, aka St. Timmaeus Ward, to the San Louise Ward. There is a substantial gate and tower at each end of the bridge, and these are open during daytime. One officer called the keeper of the heads, mounts the severed heads of executed criminals on pikes at each gate. The bridge originally was populated by butchers, but the smell was too obnoxious, so the mayor had them moved and now the bridge hosts assorted jewelers and booksellers, all of excellent calibre. These merchants both keep business and live on the bridge, and their houses are an astounding five stories tall.
There is a stone chapel to St. Hugh built at the center of the bridge. Because of all the shops and traffic, the bridge takes 45 minutes to an hour to traverse. A private causeway has been constructed above the five-story shop/homes that line the bridge, and this corridor is used by the mayor, sheriff, and city officials to access Mayoral Island or San Louise quickly. The causeways transform an hour walk into a private, 15-minute walk, and this passage is accessed by the towers at each end of the bridge.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Stationer—Amon Gilder
  • Stationer Rare Books—Gilliume Binder
  • Goldsmith—Carson Gaunt
  • Goldsmith—Evrard FitzGrub
  • Lapidary—Fouet Wheelman
  • Bridge Warden—Emil Bannister
  • Keeper of the Heads—Barry Fordman
  • The Spur Tavern (Good)—Vintner Molle Warrener
  • dragon wolf hybrid.png


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