Draas Dynasty Osmont

The Lord Boar of Draas, the Old Boar,

This family is keenly aware of their country’s backward status, and they wish to modernize Draas and integrate with the empire. They also wish to be taken seriously and are defensive of their image and rights. The head of the Osmont household, which comes with nicknames like the Lord Boar of Draas, and the Old Boar, is the Petty King of Draas, the Count of Draas, and the Baron of Nifsy. The petty king is also the Chief of the Black Boar tribe. To facilitate modernization, the Osmonts underwrite development, including funding roads, churches, and towns.   They make their capital in Holdwyc Town, and they also own in townhomes in Haberre and Laywich, and hunting lodges in Ildath and Pent. The Osmonts pay homage to the Emperor of Aorlis. Their badge is a boar, their color is Sable, their motto is “By Thunder and Fire,” and their morganatic name is Netmitz. Their ancient bloodline includes no mythic progeniture, but it includes undines and Keboldi in more recent memory. The Osmonts have no parent house, because their line reaches back into prehistory. Their landed cadet houses include Taeth of Brekeld, Ilthat of Latsni, and Osald of Sferril, while their unlanded cadet houses are Savius, Urith, and Wilrich.  


  • Crown of Boars
  • Tears of Rhyos—Coronation double waterfall
  • Thrice Blessed Spear of Osmont


  • Hunting magik, Totemic magik


  • Authority Figure
  • Cunning
  • Expert Manipulator
  • Mastermind
  • Patronage—Infrastructure, roads, churches, towns
  • Regal Presence
  • Social Privilege
  • Old Soul
  • Outside-the-Box Thinker
  • Roots—Keboldi
  • Roots—Undine
  • Totemic Link—Boar
  • Disadvantages

  • Cruelty
  • Jealous
  • Malaise
  • Mistrusted
  • Obese
  • Roots—Savage
  • Underestimated


  • Osmont ?-911
  • Garlam 911-920
  • Ultram 920-928
  • Urad 928-948 m. Brigid (Keboldi)
  • Oingon 948-961
  • Alpis 961-989
  • Brind 989-1010
  • Gunitt 1010-1022 m. Alpia (Undine)
  • Talorca 1022-1034
  • Kanan Brach 1034-1054
  • Necht 1154-1169
  • Gunitt 1169-1080
  • Alpis 1180-1091 m. Enfleda (Undine)
  • Talorca 1091-1103
  • Oingon 1103-1118
  • Dresti 1118-1130
  • Necht 1130-1142
  • Alpis 1142-1160
  • Oingon 1160-1176
  • Siennen 1176-1183
  • Canutta 1183-1199
  • Urad 1199-1213
  • Neil 1213-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Neil Osmont, Petty King of Draas, Chief of the Black Boar Tribe
  • Consort—Margery
  • Heir—Maximus Osmont, Count of Draas
  • Heir’s Consort—Emaline
  • Heir’s Son—Kleborn Osmont, Baron of Nifsy
  • Heirs Younger Son—Brionne
  • Younger Son—Alfonse
  • Younger Son’s Consort—Madeline
  • Younger Son’s Son—Marcus
  • Daugthter—Celeste
  • Daughter—Leanne
  • Morganatic Consort—Eurgene
  • Eldest Son—Andred Nemitz
  • Son—Perold Nemitz
  • Official Mistress—Pauline
  • Son—Connard FitzNeil


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