Draas Military

Force Projection

Draas is a primitive country, still rooted in the Iron Age and that era’s way of war. Their fighting style is culturally learned, and their skill with their chosen weapons is highly developed. Indeed, their weapons of war are the same as their tools for hunting, and these fighters are well-capable of feeding large families. Draas’ more advanced troops practice a native martial art called the Twirling Spear.


Draas troops prefer the spear, but they also wield throwing hammers, javelins with atlatis, slings, anamorphic-hilted swords, and saex knives. They are also versed in laying snares, pits, and other traps for prey.  


Draas troops don’t wear armor, preferring to adorn themselves with woad war paint or tattoos. The symbology is culturally informed, although painted warriors have become rare in the years since Draas converted to the Universal Faith. Bucklers are widely used. High status warriors often wear padded gambesons, leather helmets reinforced with iron, and bucklers. Boiled leather and fur sometimes are used for armor, too.


The Draas have a reputation as savage, dirty fighters. Tribal divisions dominate their army organization, and their commanders are tribal war chiefs. Each war chief may be the clan chief, or someone appointed by him. It would be easy to discount the Draas as little or no threat, but the truth is they know their country and will fight ferociously in its defense. They know little about chivalry or the so-called rules of war, and they will do anything to win. Their forces are homogeneous, but they use that to their favor—their entire military force can navigate the toughest terrain, march at night or in the winter, and will respond much like cornered animals if pushed far enough.  


Draas can field an army of 9,000 to 10,000 troops, and its infantry is 70% light spear, 10% light javelin plus atlati, 10% light sling, and 10% light throwing hammer. The nobles and upper echelon make up +5% of the army, and they will ride horses to battle but opt to fight on foot. There are no cavalry or archery troops to speak of. Draas morale is considered good, but their cohesion is primitive. Draas have no navy, limited siege capacity, and do not hire mercenaries.


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