
Bastion of the Blood God, Scourge of the North

Draas' Worldview

  • Aorlisians think we Draasuns are a poor, backwater, and ignorant peoples. This is galling, but they will come to see this for the untruth it this. Our leaders study abroad, and they are developing our economy, culture, and outlook.
  • Aorlisians look down on Draasun peoples, yet they wear our exceptional furs and leather goods with pride. We laugh at this, for the Aorlisian money we collect spends well enough.
  • Aorlisians think we are rough and unschooled, and perhaps we still are. Yet, Draasuns are the most rugged and stoic people in the Realms, and our trackers are the finest in the Known World.
  • We are faithful adherents of the Universal Church, but we also remember the old ways and the Blood God. We see no contradiction in this.
    Draas, sometimes called the Bastion of the Blood God, or the Scourge of the North, is a poor, small country on Aorlis northern borders, nestled in the foothills of the Nharag Mountains. It people are a hardy, fatalistic, impulsive, and tough-as-nails, and they are known for their famous trackers and dirty fighting techniques.
    Here the Faith has a shamanic underlay that incorporates many of their ancient, aboriginal beliefs. Draas is known for producing high-quality pelts, furs, and leather goods. Draas' patron saint is Thurston Long Ear. Draas is pronounced Drass, its adjective is Draatic and its demonym is Draasun.
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    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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