East Hales Cross Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

Located high in the pass between Mt. Lissoine and Mt. Ouverierrere, East Hales Cross is a poor, underdeveloped ward. It is abutted by Upper Mockridge Ward on the same elevation to the north, above Hale’s Cross Ward to the West, and above Hobbe’s Ward to the south.
It currently is the home of assorted never-do-wells, masterless men, criminals, fences, and other unsavory elements of society. The houses seem time-worn and shabby, and the people seem furtive.
  • Alley of Red Lanterns Brothel (Poor)—Procurer Boydin Norbert
  • Beatrice’s Bordello of Dark Secrets (Acceptable)—Procurer Beatrice LeDorne
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Constable—Parsiful Muckridge
  • Cecilia’s Cathouse Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Bertrand and Cecelia Burchard
  • Chubby Pilgrim (Acceptable)—Innkeeper Balfour Webber
  • East Hales Cross Public Bathhouse (Poor)—Subaltern Wermer Alder
  • House of Ease Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Dellian Teller
  • Knight’s Saddle Tavern (Poor)—Vintner Edith Boniface
  • St. Brax of East Hales Cross Church—Fa. Ranulphus Brockton of Malby
  • St. Torenth of East Hales Cross Church—Fa. Zenus Sawyer
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