Hales Cross Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

On the slopes of Mt. Lissoine, abutting the Heights Ward to the north and on the same elevation, Upper Mockridge Ward higher to the east, East Hales Cross Ward higher to the southeast, and St. Brax Slope Ward to the west and lower.
This ward appears to once have been successful, but its fine buildings have grown shabby, and economic favor has turned a blind eye to it. Behind this neighborhood’s threadbare image, there is an entrepreneurial spirit here, and a people willing to work hard for success.
  • Alley of Common Women Brothel (Unsavory)—Procurer Ranulphus deMalby
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Constable—Ronald Frome
  • Giant’s Bullocks Inn (Poor)—Innkeeper Derrick Bosc
  • Hales Cross Common Bathing House (Poor)—Subaltern Tansille Slater
  • House of Bawds Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Ogbert Woodman
  • Mabel’s Cock & Bull Bordello (Poor)—Procurer Mabel Tinney
  • St. Tyrell of Hales Cross Church—Fa. Thomas Griffin
  • dragon wolf hybrid.png


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