Hobbes Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

Located on Ringe Taern’s southeast shores, Hobbes Ward abuts the Embankment Ward to the northwest, St. Brax’s Slope Ward to the north, and it lies below East Hales Cross Ward to the northeast. This is an older part of town, still affluent, but it has gone out of style and now seems only quaint. Retired people, merchants, writers, well-to-do clerks, and up-and-coming attorneys live here. Hobbes is protected by Lower City’s south wall, which itself is protected by Hobbe’s Gate.
Back when Hobbes was a separate suburb, and not yet connected to Gwyfned proper, it was walled all the way round. Some of that old interior wall still exists on the north, but now opened for streets, and the rest of that fortification is mostly incorporated into the buildings that rest against them. Scriveners Street is prominent, and that industry is still active here.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Apothecary—Hubert Bundy
  • Constable—Galleron Hooke
  • Cantitodian Friary—Prior Weymond Ralfe
  • Cecilia’s House of the Red Bonnet Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Cecilia deMinceton
  • Hobbe’s Gate—Gateron Wizard’s Get, Captain of the Guard
  • Hobbe’s Private Bathing Club (Good)—Subaltern Ollyn Sellers
  • Hobbe’s Public Bathhouse (Acceptable)—Subaltern Kester Wright
  • House of Roses Brothel (Good)—Procurer Digby Roper
  • Margaret’s Harem of Ladies in Waiting (Good)—Procurer Leonardus FitzPotter
  • Marshall Tavern (Good)—Vintner Gillecote Grayton No-nose
  • Mystonian Temple—Preceptor Brym Daunt
  • Rearing Stallion Inn (Good)—Innkeeper Andre Wild
  • Shackleford Gaol—Gaoler Yves Cragthorne
  • St. Blailock of Hobbes Church—Fa. Wydo Furber
  • St. Wollyn’s of Hobbes Church—Fa. Neustrande Leach
  • Third Eye Inn (Good)—Innkeepers Derrick Polesman and Simone Backmaker
  • Vulgar Baron Inn (Acceptable)—Innkeepers Wymond Brooker and Jolyon Swailer
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