Hollywell Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

Named after Gwyfned’s original imperial palace, Hollywell House, this neighborhood is part of the city’s original outer ward in what is now Upper City. The ward was once independently walled in, and, while much its walls are still part of the outer exterior curtain walls, the interior walls have either been torn down to make way for streets, or still exist but are incorporated into the buildings adjacent to them.
Hollywell ward is contiguous with the Pemmby Green and Halcionne wards, and below the Whitefeather Ward to the northwest. All the government institutions that permanently have been settled are in this here. Some royals (especially the crown prince and his household), wealthy nobles, and those that service them live here, as well as some of the empire’s fabulously wealthy citizens.
  • Alice’s Grotto of Rare Comforts Brothel (Excellent)—Procurer Etheldreda Tunner
  • Assorted Governmental Offices
  • Chief Imperial Coroner of Gwyfned—Nils Matherly
  • Cofferer of Gwyfned—Keryl Mannering, Suffragan Bishop West Gwyfned
  • Commissioner of the Peace of Gwyfned—Nigel Barth
  • Commissioner of the Sewers of Gwyfned—Royce Swift
  • Constable—Gamel Gowing
  • Keeper of the Rolls of Gwyfned—Leopold Hille
  • Lord High Keeper of the Privy Seal of Gwyfned—Monte Pernelle, Suffragan Bishop Upper Cloudbridge
  • Lord High Treasurer of Gwyfned—Ilbert Dale
  • Defender of the Realms Peculiar—Fa. Wilburt Townsend
  • Forest Court—Alexis Ashdown Green Gauntlet, Chief Keeper of the Forests of Aorlis
  • Formal Garden (includes Lorinaei’s Labyrinth)—Royal Gardener Gervase Imbert
  • Harem of Secret Delights Brothel (World Class)—Procurer Gederick Palmer the Black Fox
  • Hollywell House—Called the “House of Lights,” was the royal palace until Osrick I’s reign, during which the palace was incorporated into the Whitefeather Ward
  • Steward of Hollywell House—Robin Terrowin
  • Imperial Hall of Records (kept in Hollywell house, pipe rolls, cartularies, codexs, and tally sticks)—
  • Occult Archivist—Turston Ferriter
  • Hollywood Imperial Bathing House (World Class)—Subaltern Alwyn Butler
  • Hollywell Private Bathing Club (Excellent)—Subaltern Brand Payne
  • King’s Head Tavern (Excellent)—Vintners Leonardus FitzPotter and Elspeth Peruker
  • King’s Bench (Royal Courts)
  • Chief Justiciar of the King’s Bench—Derrick Norbert, Count of Mortfield, Captain of Bell Castle, Baron of Exby
  • King’s Mustache Inn (World Class)—Innkeeper Bate Sawyer
  • Perigritian Hospital Senior—Infirmarian Kholin dePeskry
  • Royal Armorer Workshop—Court Armorer Andre Furber
  • Royal Barracks—Marshall Auffroy Cheese
  • Royal Exchequer—Ralph Eads, Chief Justiciar of the Court of the Exchequer
  • Royal Menagerie—Chester Clarke, Keeper of the Royal Menagerie
  • Royal Mint—Henry Bigge, Chief Keeper of the Royal Mint
  • St. Blailock of Hollywood Peculiar—Fa. Ian Shaw
  • St. Torenth’s of Hollywood Church—Fa. Edante Vixton Six-Fingered
  • St. Wollyn’s of Hollywell Peculiar—Fa. Aldous Carey
  • Wandering Friar Inn (Excellent)—Innkeeper Onselm Rendolles
  • Wild Pegasus Inn (Excellent)—Innkeeper Elwynn Woods
  • Wollyn’s Observatory
  • Planetary Society Livery Company—Warden Aubelet Chapman
  • Astromancers Livery Company—Warden Beverly Swift
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