
Crossroads of the Empire, the Fencing Masters

Kaldur's Worldview

  • In Kaldur, we are the empire’s center and beating heart. When others dream of Aorlis, it is Kaldur that old in their minds. We are unique, yet we are the most authentically Aorlisian people in Aorlis.
  • Kaldur’s roads, rivers, canals, and ports have made us into a commercial hub, and that has made us rich and others jealous.
  • Our fencing masters are peerless, because for them, fighting is both an art and a science. Many Aorlisian member countries have their own fencing schools, but no one wields a blade with the authority of a Kaldurian.
  • We build Aorlis’ navy, and our ships rule the seas. Our university in Ygarl graduates the finest surgeons, and our rich soil produces the food that feeds Aorlis.
  • Kaldurian linen is prized throughout the world, and finer than even the cloth of far-flung Khemd.
    Kaldur, sometimes called the Crossroads of the Empire, or the Fencing Masters, because its famed tradition of fencing schools and martial arts masters, should more accurately be recognized for its agricultural produce and husbandry, or perhaps its standing navy. Kaldur is pronounced Kowll-Dur, its adjective is Kaldurian and its demonym is Kaldurian. This large, rich country is in south, central Aorlis abutting the Alusian Sea to the south.
    The University of Ygarl is known for producing top physicians (2nd only to Fenwidden University) and historians. This dynamic people is esteemed for their inventive, pragmatic character, and innovate farming and husbandry. Kaldur also produces richly embroidered tapestries, ships, and linen. Kaldur's patron saint is Alfranc the Fisherman of Souls.
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    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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