Kaldur Dynasty Bryant

Old Man of the Sea...

The Bryants are one of the most powerful dynasties in Aorlis. The head of the house is the Palatine Earl of Kaldur, the Count of Beck, the Arch baron of Baelrin, and the Baron of Dalak and Elmyrlan, and his inherited nickname is the Old Man of the Sea. He is also the Grand Admiral of the Sea of Arlin and the Aorlisian Straits, and the Grand Warden of Marling Street and the Elmyrlan Forest. He answers to the King of Rhonce, who is usually the heir of the Osrick king of Gwyfned and Emperor of Aorlis. The Bryant’s most considerable asset is likely the Golden Fleet, the standing navy of Aorlis.   The palatine earl rules from his capital, Baelrin City, but he also has townhouses in Gwyfned City, Ygarl, and a hunting lodge in the Eofwin. The Bryant motto is “Piety Strengthens the Realm,” or “For God, For Kaldur,” and their family colors are white and blue. The Bryants spun out of the Drossel dynasty, and closely related with the Talbot family, but unlike the Talbots, they do not have a mythic ancestor in their lineage. If they choose to go by their morganatic or civilian surname, it is Clipburt, etymology and history unknown.   The Bryant’s landed cadet houses are Romley of Keld, Allis of Soldat, and Odding of Ortby, while their unlanded families include the houses of Tanculf, Rabot, Lauger, Dalak, and Archard. The Bryant’s traditional appearance is short but broad shouldered, with sea-green eyes and blond hair. They are active patrons of sailors, shipbuilders, and sail makers.  


  • Authority Figure
  • Battle Cry
  • Bond—Nature (Sea)
  • Heroic Ancestry—Kerwin
  • Heroic Ancestry—Pendar
  • Heroic Ancestry—Torenth
  • Orienteering
  • Patronage—Sailors, Shipbuilders, Sail Makers
  • Regal Presence
  • Resist—Drowning
  • Social Privilege
  • Disadvantages

  • Family Trait—Sea-Green Eyes, Blond Hair
  • Family Trait—Short Stature, Wide Shoulders
  • Gap-Toothed
  • Impulsive
  • Short Man Syndrome
  • Skill Pool

  • Cartography
  • Piloting
  • Predicting Weather
  • Shipping/Boating
  • Survival—Maritime
  • Warfare—Maritime
  • Magik

    • Wind Whistling


    • Chain of Beryl—This is a chain of state with a red-gold ship amulet at its center. Its reputed powers are that it can summon the owner’s ship as if it were pre-arranged to show up at a given time, and summon timely winds for sailing.
    • Crown of Bryant I
    • James I Forbidden Amulet
    • Saif of Marwan II—Alusian steel


    • Bryant I 1001-1055
    • Talbot I of Edby was his brother
    • Hugh I 1055-1071
    • Fulk I 1071-1077
    • Gilbert I 1077-1078
    • James I 1078-1089
    • Gaurant I 1089-1098
    • Gaurant II 1098-1112
    • Gaurant III 1112-1136
    • Henri I 1136-1163
    • Walther IV 1163-1168
    • Gaurant V 1168-1201
    • Gaurant VI 1222-present

    Immediate Family

    • Gaurant I Beryl b. 1207-present, r. 1222-present
    • Wife—Edesa m. 1222-present
    • Heir—Sean b. 1228-present
    • Son—Flinton b. 1230-present
    • Dowager Mother—Marina, b. 1180-present
    • Uncle—Perrin Ironheart, Paladin of Kaldur, Sea Sword, b. 1190-present
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