Kaldur Military

Military Might and Force Projections


Kaldur uses the standard military training regime, as well as these martial arts: Kaldurian Sleeping Steel, The Kaldurian Square, and Empty Fist Fighting Discipline. Theirs is a culture founded on feats of arms.  


They have the standard military hierarchy, with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for smaller groups of soldiers. Their discipline is considered quite high.  


The army of Kaldur has an excellent reputation, due in part to the high calibre of their commanders. These officers are recognized by marshall’s batons, and they are well educated. All of them study Gnaeus Sullinus’ “Chronicles of War” and Aliamor Cortessa’s “Of War and Strife.”  

Arms & Armor

Kaldur is associated with the longsword, but her troops also wield lances, maces, war hammers, halberds, mauls, voulges, misericordes, and arming swords. Their uniforms are usually brightly colored, and their helms adorned with peacock feathers. The better armed soldiers wear maille plus brigandine, with armor plated arms and legs. The employ heater shields and kettle helms with aventails.  


Kaldur can field an army of 24,000 to 30,000, and its infantry is 20% light voulge, 15% light war hammer, and 15% heavy halberd; its cavalry is 15% heavy lancers, and 15% light lancers for skirmishing; and 20% are crossbowmen. In addition, Kaldur brings along +15% pioneers, +15% siege engineers, and +5% scouts, and their siege capabilities are fully developed. This country often employs +5% to +20% mercenary soldiers.

Kaldur Soldier.png

War Wagons

It also can bring 50 to 80 war wagons, each with +5 heavy long flail-men, +5 heavy crossbowmen, and +5 heavy artillery-men (with their ballistas) per wagon. Indeed, one of Kaldur’s favorite tactics is forming an impromptu circulade of war wagons and sortying from within.  


The Empire of Aorlis standing navy is the Golden Fleet, and its home port is in Baelrin, Kaldur. It comprises 30 to 50 ships, each with a crew complement of 80 sailor and 1,000 marines. It also includes 20 to 40 heavy transports and their crews of about 20 sailors each. The fleet’s favored sea tactic is chaining half their ships together into floating forts, and to launch sorties out as desired. The chained ships also make respectable floating battle platforms.  


Military horses comprise all the standard medieval breeds, usually imported, but some are homegrown.


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