Kaldur Places of Interest

Battle of Peridon River

In Peridin, Kaldur, there is a haunted battlefield. Folklore ties this ancient, largely forgotten even to Torenth, but scholars raise doubts about this. Occasionally, visitors will have spontaneous memories of fighting here, perhaps from a previous life, but the details will be confused.  

Giant, The

There is a cyclopean salt cutting, called the Giant, that is clear when approaching Kaldur by sea. His origins are unknown, as is who is supposed to represent.  

Lake of Dust

Northwest of Ygarl in Edby, there lies a desolate plot of land called the Lake of Dust that is neither a lake nor very dusty. Folktales blame this site on a wicked mage named Mallichor, a magik ring and a curse. The area now is lifeless, nothing more than ash and mud. The buildings that were there are buried under tons of mud.  

Nordsdon Hill Fort Complex

Near Baelrin, which itself has been an ongoing settlement since ancient times, rises the Nordsdon Hill Fort, the Standing Stones of Stohrs, the Giant’s Dance standing stones, and the Observuum. The hill fort and the modern city are on opposite sides of the river, and nowadays the fort has been covered with a suburb of Baelrin.
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