Karlionne Dynasty Rochampte

The Steady Hand, the Lord Stag of Karlionne

The Rochamptes are masters of state and personal drama. They are ostentatious showmen who love nothing so much as living the chivalric life—jousting, loving, and questing. They are known for staging romantic spectacles.   The Rhochampte’s seated head inherits the sobriquets of the Steady Hand, the Lord Stag of Karlionne, and the Font of All Honor. He is the Sovereign Arch Duke of Karlionne, the Count of Korl, and the Archbaron of Hammarsk. He uses the county and arch baron honors as courtesy titles for his sons and grandson, and the office of Premeire Marshall of Karlionne is attached to the arch baron title.   The Rochamptes are active patrons for writers and singers of chivalry, romantic love, and heraldry, as well as underwriting many grand tournaments. They keep their capital in Hammarsk, as they own townhouses in Barl-by-the-River Town, Unmaed City, and Caerwick Town; and hunting lodges in Reminger, Barlow, and Harlow.   This family pays homage to the Emperor of Aorlis. The Rochampte badge is the winged stag, their color is Or, their motto is “Glory Be Thy Reward,” and their morganatic name is Hammarsk.   The Rochamptes claim Gwythern Sky Singer as their mythological progeniture, but they are not as quick to recall the half-ogre and wizard blood in their pedigree. Their parent house was Drossel, which was a cadet line of Pendar. The Rochampte’s landed cadet houses include Dusby of Kerlium, Merl of Pendrass, and Arnold of Eastglade, while their unlanded cadet houses are Benegar, Dorcas, Falcona, Garet, Halfdan, and Aceline.   In Karlionne, all knights are created by the Grand Duke, or by his authority. (This accounts for the Grand Duke’s title of “the Font of All Honor.”) Every knight is individually themed.  


  • Andred I’s Bearing Sword of Proclamation
  • Holy Lance of Retribution
  • Rochampt’s Crown of Glory
  • Sword of the Righteous
  • Throne of Magnanimity


  • The family magic relates to divining the truth or faithfulness, fighting giants, healing and enhancing horses, and spells related to jousting, horse racing, promoting honor in other, and rewarding lovers.


  • Ancestry—Ogre
  • Animal Whisperer—Horse
  • Authority Figure
  • Born Horseman
  • Courageous
  • Foreshadowing
  • God’s Ear
  • Hand of History Guides You
  • Heroic Ancestry—Gwythern Sky Singer
  • Heroic Ancestry—Thurston
  • Heroic Ancestry—Torenth
  • Patronage—Theme Knights
  • Patronage—Underwriting Tournaments
  • Patronage—Writers & Minstrels of Chivalric Romance
  • Regal Presence
  • Social Privilege


  • Blind Spot—Abuses of Chivalry
  • Bow-Legged
  • Out-of-Touch
  • Tender-footed
  • Self-Aggrandizing

    Skill Pool

  • Acting
  • Ceremony
  • Combat Theatrics
  • Event Planning
  • Heraldry
  • Ritual/Ceremony


    • Rochampte I 736-783
    • Arturus I 783-811
    • Twyr I 811-822
    • Ambros I 822-840
    • Stanton I 840-858
    • Arturus II 858-888 m. Verilynne (half-ogre)
    • Torrence I 888-923
    • Andred I 923-934 m. Clarice of Eubrac
    • Ambros II 934-936
    • Stanton II 936-964
    • Caradim I 964-993 m. Saendwin of Unmaed
    • Torrence II 993-1019
    • Balim I 1019-1058
    • Ambros III 1058-1068 m. Avoline of Parse
    • Caradim II 1068-1082
    • Twyr II 1082-1105
    • Torrence III 1105-1113 m. Margery Warnulf of Cainded
    • Arturus II 1113-1150
    • Dindrune I 1150-1175 m. Cicelia of Norward
    • Liamel I 1175-1203
    • Torrence IV 1203-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Torrence Rochampt IV, Sovereign Arch Duke of Karlionne
  • Consort—Ygraine
  • Heir—Torrence the Younger Rochampt, Count of Korl
  • Heir’s Consort—Isolt
  • Eldest Son—Constanz Rochampt, Archbaron of Hammarsk, Premeire Marshall of Karlionne
  • Eldest’s Consort—Nimuine
  • Eldest’s Son—Torrence
  • Younger Son—Bregaingne
  • Daughter—Evaraign
  • Daughter—Ygraine
  • Younger Son—Cardamom


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