Karlionne Fable & Folklore

Recurring Theme, Lore, or Symbolism

  • This is a country that prides itself in its horse/equine culture, romantic love, chivalry, and jousting.
  • Karlionne people are passionate about horse racing
  • This country is known for the marcher lords, and their independence on the border it shares with Caindos.

Local Creatures

  • The Malkorl forest in Caerl, Mallorn, and Reminger is the home of occasional BeRuk, as well as ogres, half ogres, and feral cynocephalus that work in tandem with human bandits (see Raw Boned Brotherhood).
  • In Caerl, a ruined castle on Hellsfoam Lake has served as a hell-gate for Infernal Knights. This fire-blackened hulk radiates fear and unease, so much so that the natives have not robbed out its stonework.

Historical Figures

  • Sir Cefrith was the first infernal knight in Karlionne, and he is remembered as a an elegant, charismatic figure with the blackest of hearts and hell-spawned powers. He’s been killed or banished back to hell multiple times, but he always keeps coming back.
  • Saendwin was a 10th century conjurer and transmuter who dominated her time and created many wonders. Her home was Unmaed.

Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • Slatter may have been a dragoness, or a nycomancer, or both. She fits the “evil queen” trope, and she had a sadistic turn to her nature, yet she was devoted to beauty and art.
  • Gwythern Sky Singer was a mythological king and Karlionne forbearer. Gwythern was one of Kelthan’s Paladins, and he commanded the heavens, and he could cast a spear from one end of Aarthus to the other.
  • Eldorach Fire-Hoof—Gwythern’s magik horse was mythological sire of the famous Karlionne Coursers. It is said he could race across the sky and breath underwater. Lore paints him as a being of light and justice.
  • Dyre—This was a prodigious wyrm that could destroy entire armies.

Magic on the Landscape

  • Paths and places in the Volme Hills, Harlow rearrange themselves, disappear, and reappear randomly. No one knows why this should be, but the world feels thin there.

Odd Competitions or Traditions

  • In Hammarsk, the princess and her ladies convene a court of love where they judge matters and crimes of courtly love. This is believed to be a unique institution in Aorlis.
  • Bridge Challenges—Young knights and glory-seekers have a coming-of-age ritual by which they claim a bridge and contest with all challengers. Authorities turn a blind eye to this practice, despite the loss of bridge revenue and the economic stimulus bridges usually bring.


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