Karlionne History

House Rochampte

  • Palatine Count of Karlionne 736-Present
  • Torrence IV 1203-Present
  • Lamel I 1175-1203
  • Dindrune I 1150-1175 m. Cicelia of Norward
  • Arturus II 1113-1150
  • Torrence III 1105-1113 m. Margery Warnulf of Cainded
  • Twyr II 1082-1105
  • Caradim II 1068-1082
  • Ambros III 1058-1068 m. Avoline of Parse
  • Balim I 1019-1058
  • Torrence II 993-1019
  • Caradim I 964-993 m. Saendwin of Unmaed
  • Stanton II 936-964
  • Ambros II 934-936
  • Andred I 923-934 m. Clarice of Eubrac
  • Torrence I 888-923
  • Arturus II 858-888 m. Verilynne (half-ogre)
  • Stanton I 840-858
  • Ambros I 822-840
  • Twyr I 811-822
  • Arturus I 783-811
  • Rochampte I 736-783 (m. Estallia of House Gwythern)

    Caindos Civil War

  • Karlionne Secedes and become independant, 736

    House Hencaster

  • Duke of Caindos, 702-825, Cadet of House Yorrel
  • 735-736 Edmer (brother of Rochampte)
  • 710-735 Fulcher
  • 702-710 Absolom

    House Yorrel

  • Duke of Caindos, 500-702, Cadet of House Thurston
  • 681-702 Yorell V (m. Velenia of House Gwythern)
  • 654-681 Chorwin II
  • 624-654 Yorelle IV
  • 610-624 Bremer I
  • 583-610 Yorrell II
  • 559-583 Yorrel II
  • 550-559 Chorwin I
  • 545-550 Yorrel I (brother to Walter I Thurston)

    House Thurston

  • High King of Arlium, 484-545, Son of Torenth
  • 542-545 Walter I (brother of Yorrel of Caindos)
  • 528-542 Henry I
  • 505-528 David I
  • 484-505 Thurston I (Son of Torenth)


  • Emperor of Aorlis, 440-484, Father of Wollyn, Tavhros, Thurston, and Pendarr)
  • Torenth 440-484

    House Gwythern

  • Gwythern I Sky Singer, King of South Aelrid, Mythological


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