
Realm of the Horse Lords

Karlionne's Worldview

  • Ours is a land of flashing swords, valiant knights, and chaste damsels. We celebrate courage, chivalry, fair-play, romance, honor, and martial glory above all else! We live in a glorious, golden age!
  • In Karlionne, women rule affairs of the heart, and the heart rules the knights and their romantic ambitions. Men should yearn for unattainable love, and that drives them to accomplish brilliant feats of arms.
  • Let us sing only romantic ballads full of unattainable ladies, devoted knights, and chivalric love. Sing of great deeds of arms so the gallant heroes may prove their ardor to their ladies. This is our way, the way of the true knight!
  • In Karlionne, we breed the finest coursers in the world, and let no one deny it, lest they face our just and vengeful wrath! These are noble beasts to excite the heart of any true horseman!
  • Here we understand that finery and expensive things represent greatness, so we are never shy away from displaying all the color, music, and riotous fashion we can.
    Karlionne, called Realm of the Horse Lords, or its people referred to as Peacocks, is a marcher country on Aorlis’ eastern border. They are justly famed for breeding valuable coursing horses (Karlionne Chargers), and they have a passion for horse racing, tournaments, and jousting. They are known for celebrating the more extreme aspects of chivalry, honor, glory, and courtly love. Karlionne is pronounced Kar-Lee-Own, its adjective is Karlic and its demonym is Karl-Men.
    Indeed, they are identifiable by their extreme fashions, with all the long-toed shoes, giant cod pieces, expansive wired headdresses, ribbons, scallops, bells, and clashing patterns they can afford. Most Aorlisians consider Karl-men to be hidebound, unimaginative, and too devoted to knightly prerogatives and the chivalric heavy charge. As such, they disdain archers and footmen. Karlionne's patron saints are Vyla the Questing and Richolda the Anchor.
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    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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