Karlionne Places of Interest

Hellsfoam Castle

In Caerl, Karlionne, on a spit of land that reaches into Hellsfoam Lake, there is a ruined castle that has served as a recurring hell-gate. This fire-blackened hulk radiates fear and unease, so much so that the natives have not robbed out its stonework. The gate has served as a portal for Sir Cefrith the Hell Rider, Knight of Ruination, the first Infernal Knight in hell, to invade Aarth. He is remembered as an elegant, charismatic figure with the blackest of hearts and hell-spawned powers, and while he’s been killed or banished back multiple times, he always finds a way back here.  

Preceptory of the Spectral Knights

The original, ruined motherhouse of the order of the spectral knights, this place is located in Lesser Aelrid, on the Djailos River, Karlionne.  

Volme Hills

These hills look pleasant and ideal for long hikes. Instead, paths and places in the Volme Hills, in Harlow, Karlionne, rearrange themselves, disappear, and reappear randomly. No one knows why this should be, but reality feels thin there. Travel through the hills is perilous and time consuming. There are many caves here, and shamed knights will come here to live in the wilderness. That is also a good hiding place for people who do not wish to be found.


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