Kolthen Regalia

Kolthen’s All-seeing Throne

Of unknown age and provenenance, this throne is carved of sandstone. While it is practical and undecorated, it acts as a symbolic analogue for all Noelred. When monarch is seated, the throne lets him scry his kingdom, granting him knowledge of his realm, pinpoint places of imjustice, and see through misrepresentatons and obfuscation. While basic in physical form and function, it is widely recognized and even idealized. While it is called Kolthen’s throne, this was probably a romanticized, literary invention.  


Also called the ax of Tauthin, and once favored by Eldred I Kolthen Thriceborn, this weapon is an unusual great ax. Only strong men can bear it in battle, and has a long haft and calls for two-handed use. Current tradition holds that the axe is born by the Noelred king’s eldest brother. The blade is formed of night-blue Ellidic steel and orichalc alloy; the haft is hard as steel, and its grain structure corresponds to no known, living species of tree. Runes and symbols of power are etched on the ax’s head, and down the haft. Bloodletter’s reputed powers include:
  • Always delivers a fatal blow
  • Inspire strength and resilience in troops
  • Multiplaner
  • Runes glow in use
  • Strike otherworldly creatures, such as ghosts, angels, demons, unclean spirets, etc.


This is Noelred’s sword of state. It is not old, and it was commissioned a generation back by Elred I Kolthen Thriceborn. It is a practical bastard sword in form, unadorned, but of epic craftsmanship and adamantine metal alloyed with firmament. Its mix of runes, letters, and symbols inlayed on the blade defy pronunciation or known meaning. It’s fitting are all silver. It is still usuable for fighting, and the king has been known to carry this weapon. Otherwise, it resides at Castle Sablestone and is only brought out for ceremonial functions. It’s reputed powers include:
  • Celerity—Sword always strikes first, cannot be parried
  • Damage ghosts, demons, etc., as in all non-corporeal victims
  • Inlays on blade will glow if sword’s powers activated
  • Keen—Sword is preternaturally sharp and will not dull
  • Non-divisible corpus: bearer cannot be dismembered, bleed, or bleed out
  • Speaking the sword’s secret name will apport it to hand.
  • Will refuse any bearer but the king or his chosen champion


This relic from the distant past is believed to be King Kelthan’s own sword. It fits the time period, because it is an iron pre-migration era “barbarian” sword. Its condition is rough, having been repaired several times; bent and then straightened out; pitted and edgeless. Its fittings are modern additions. It is reputed to once have had great powers, but no one remembers what they might be. It is permanently istalled at Castle Sablestone.


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