Little Barmlet Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

This dynamic suburb has grown up west of Salearr’s Gate, straddling Brighton Street and just above the Lyarth River. These are people looking for opportunities and willing to take chances.
It serves as home for local merchants, away homes for Eldris merchants, some foreign merchants, and other reasonably affluent folks. Salearr’s Gate divides this ward off from St. Hughe’s to the east.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Barber Surgeon—Relf Kerr
  • Constable—Gelf Dodd
  • Brighton Tavern (Good)—Vintner Nephele Pistor
  • Charming Feather Inn (Acceptable)—Innkeeper Orner Reviers
  • Emma’s Harem of Rare Birds Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Emma Royston
  • Grotto of Glowing Lanterns Brothel (Poor)—Procurer Fesher Porcher of Ligton
  • Little Barmlet Public Baths (Acceptable)—Subaltern Bronce Porte
  • Miranda’s House of the Red Wimple Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Felicia Sutler
  • Mosque of Little Barmlet—Imam Hazm ibn Haliusef
  • Square Horse Inn (Acceptable)—Innkeeper Cicely Brabener
  • St. Maeglin of Little Barmlet Church—Fa. Stace Soutermun
  • Whipping Post Inn (Good)—Innkeeper Cicely Brabener
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