
This town is a McDhuir Clan stronghold. It is an inland sea port on the southernmost outcropping of Dhurse Island, off the northern coast of Caindos, and across the Dhurse Strait from Beeler. Maburne is surrounded by the Sea of Silence, which is part of the greater Fern Maer Sea. It is placed in the High Kingdom of Arlium, the Duchy of Caindos, in Dhurse County, and it is devoted to agriculture and fishing.
Maburne is included in the Malkorl Forest District, so Imperial administration trumps local feudal or clan control structures. Maburne’s crest is a true lover’s knot, or, on a sanguine field. If one wishes to sail the Sea of Silence, this is where the most knowledgeable guides may be hired. This town is walled, and its guard and town watch are focused on fighting off murtras.


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