Mathurne Regalia

Crown of Torenth

This is a heavy three-tined gold crown set with the Blood of Karron, an invaluable red ruby.  


Once the sword of Gregory of Tranth, this weapon is now one of the swords of state of Thalium. As Gregor was reputed to have giants among his ancesty, the sword is said to grant great strength to his descendants while they fight for the Marcell. Legend also holds that is can grant profound insights when first grasping it, and that it will refuse to serve or defend those who are not Mathurns or their appointed champions.


The traditional sword of state for the Mathurns.  

Stone of Whispers

This is the coronation stone which murmurs approval of rightful claimants to the throne of Thalium, and severely burns the buttocks of any pretenders who dare to make that claim.  

Throne of Torenth

The state throne of Thalium, the king, while here seated, it heavily protected against hostile or invasive magic.


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