
Wolf Town, Brynn Town, or the Range,

Sometimes called Wolf Town, Brynn Town, or the Range, because of its treasured association with the mythological figure Brynn the Wolf, Olarette stands on the north shore of Caindos. It is a sea port on the Sea of Lecia which is part of the Fern Maer, a greater freshwater, inland sea. The terrain here is hilly. Olarette is in the Duchy of Caindos, in the County of Gnilder, in the High Kingdom of Arlium, on Old Street, which connects this town to Norward east by southeast, and Beeler to the southwest.
This settlement is included in the Malkorl Forest District, which means it is first under the control of the Imperial government, and then its feudal and clan structures. Olarette’s crest is a heart, gules, stabbed with a saex on an embattled bend, or, on a field sable. Cherished local folktales claim this town was home of Brynn the Wolf from mythology. There is a tradition of bagpipe playing here, and many musicians come here to study and learn with the best. The largest church in Olarette is St. Drogos, built in the 950s.


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