Osrick Immediate Family

Descendants of Gregor I Swift Sword Osrick

Generation 1

Gregor I Swift Sword Osrick was born in 1139. He died in 1197. He married (1) Glory The Day Flower in 1179. She was born in 1160. She died in 1186. He married (2) Amanthine Lamonde in 1159. She was born in 1137. She died in 1177. He was King-Emperor of Aorlis R.1161-1197. Gregor I Swift Sword Osrick and Glory The Day Flower had the following children:  
  • Bingham II The Lucky Osrick was born in 1180. He died in 1241. He married (1) Isabel The Golden Norbert in 1198 in Gwyfned. She was born in 1180. She died in 1205. He married (2) Angoulene Mathurne, daughter of Theodoric I The Ram Mathurne and Felicia The Wicked & The Heretic Tolan, in 1208. She was born in 1194. She died in 1241.
  • Maschia The Righteous Osrick was born in 1182.
  • Eulard Short Mantle Osrick was born in 1186.
  • Oliver The Playboy Prince Osrick, also called the Knight of the White Swan, was born in 1186. He died in 1223. He was never married, but had natural children by many women from 1206 forward.

Generation 2

Bingham II The Lucky Osrick (son of Gregor I Swift Sword) was born in 1180. He died in 1241. He married (1) Isabel The Golden Norbert in 1198. She was born in 1180. She died in 1205. He married (2) Angoulene Mathurne, daughter of Theodoric I The Ram Mathurne and Felicia Tolan, called The Wicked and The Heretic, in 1208. She was born in 1194. She died in 1241. Bingum reigned as emperor or Aorlis R. 1197-1241   Bingham II The Lucky Osrick and Isabel The Golden Norbert had the following children:
  • Victor The Honorable Osrick was born in 1199. He died c. 1115.
  • Brand The Sun Prince Osrick was born in 1201. He died c. 1124.
  • Dathan I Osrick was born in 1205. He married Elizabeth Kolthen, daughter of Eldred I Kolthen and Lovan, in 1240. She was born in 1221.
  Bingham II The Lucky Osrick and Angoulene Mathurne had the following children:
  • Rachel Osrick was born in 1210. She married Anselm. He was born in 1216.
  • Elaine Star-Born Osrick was born in 1223. She married Miles The Stout in 1242.
  Oliver The Playboy Prince Osrick, also called the Knight of the White Swan, (Gregor I Swift Sword) was born in 1186. He never married, but had many unnoficial mistresses. One such mistress was Elsbett Of Dalryme, and she was married to Phillipe I of Dalryme.
Elsbett of Dalryme married Phillipe I, baron of Dalryme. They married in 1203, and they both died in 1226. They had three children together:
  • Philipe II Dalryme b. 1204
  • Dierdra Dalryme b. 1210
  • Amelia Dalryme b. 1212, d. 1224
  Oliver The Playboy Prince Osrick and Elsbett Dalryme had the following natural child:
  • Bhradrix was born in 1216.
  Oliver The Playboy Prince Osrick and other unofficial, married mistresses had least eleven natural sons and an unspecified number of daughters. Some of the better known natural sons include:
  • Bohemond b. 1206., Castle Whitefeather Steward
  • Gaston, Marshall at Castle Whitefeather
  • Alwyn Long Reach, Sheriff of Upper Ward, Gwyfned City
  • Nicholaus of Rooth, Dean of Gwyfned Cathedral
  • Wayland of Liddlemass, Guildmaster and occassional warden of the Merchant Adventurer’s Guild, as well as a banker of great wealth

Generation 3

Dathan I Osrick (Bingham II The Lucky, Gregor I Swift Sword) was born in 1205. He married Elizabeth Kolthen, daughter of Eldred I Kolthen and Lovan, in 1240. She was born in 1221. Dathan I Osrick had no known morganatic spouses, or official concubines, official mistresses, unofficial mistresses, or natural-born offspring. He ruled as emperor of Aorlis from R. 1241 - Current.   Dathan I Osrick and Elizabeth Kolthen had the following children:
  • Bingham4 Osrick was born in 1241.
  • Theobald Osrick was born in 1245.
  • Nannetta Osrick was born in 1247.
  Rachel Osrick (Bingham II The Lucky, Gregor I Swift Sword) was born in 1210. She married Anselm. He was born in 1216. Anselm is notable fo being a Doctor of Theology at Gwyfnedi University. Anselm and Rachel Osrick had the following child:
  • Wollyn was born in 1239.
  Elaine Star-Born Osrick (Bingham II The Lucky, Gregor I Swift Sword) was born in 1223. She married Miles The Stout in 1242. Miles The Stout and Elaine Star-Born Osrick had the following child:
  • Angoulene was born in 1243.
  Bhradrix (Oliver The Playboy Prince, Gregor I Swift Sword) was born in 1211. He has not married, but fathered natural-born children with different partners. Bhradrix Osrick and Raphaella had the following child:
  • Arrette4 born 1126.


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