Osrick Regalia


Called the “Seal of Wisdom,” Eagnor was the seven year labor of Wollyn Osrick, the son of Torenth Osrick. It is said that he invested part of his soul into the ring, and Wollyn’s spirit may speak with the ring’s current wearer. Eagnor is an alloy of orichalc and firmament, making it singular and one-of-a-kind in the world. In form, this is a spinner ring, with a spinning band mounted on a stationary band below. The spinning band is etched with the twelve zodiacal symbols, representing the Wheel of Law and Discord. Beyond this, the ring is unadorned. Because of the ring’s attachment to Wollyn I, it will act in its own self-interest, and may seal itself to its wearer’s finger, or fall off someone’s hand at will. It may also refuse its power to any it considers unworthy, such as it did Loethgarr, last of the house of Wollyn. When used for its powers, the corresponding zodiacal elements associated with the signs on the twelve signs will glow in the wearer’s sight. According to unsubstantiated legend, if the wearer adjusts the ring to the desired zodiacal house, passes his hand over the ring, and says the appropriate words of power, he may call upon the following magik:  
  • Any or all of the four primary elemental powers
  • Grant life or death, construction or destructions, etc.
  • Ethereal sight, allowing wearer to see the mystical world superimposed over the gross, physical world at will.
  • Divination by staring fixedly at the ring: as he does, the facets will appear to twirl, and images of the future will start to appear in the resulting blur.

Gwyfned Pendant of State

Each noble Gwyfnedi family has a chain of plates or pendat of state, and the Osricks do as well. This item is rumored to have defensive properties and acts as tool for magikal focus, much like a blasting rod would do for others. If it does have magik powers, that is a state secret.  

Secret Seals

While more occulted than secret, these three rings were made for the emperor, his eldest son, and his eldest brother. These are silver thumb rings, each with a badge. The emperor’s badge is a griffen, the crown prince’s badge is a hound, and the brother’s badge is a swan. Badges are not heraldry, per se,’ but actual badges each may dress his household in. These rings are a matched set, and in recent years the royal brother’s ring has fallen into the possession of Bhradrix. The rings are said to have the following powers:
  • Heroes Luck
  • Deflect Hostile Magic
  • Hand of History
  • Non-divisible Corpus


This is the state sword of the Empire of Aorlis. According to its unsubstantiated, legendary origin, this sword miraculously was granted by God to Torenth I as an outward, physical sign of the Divine Mandate. The weapon’s age is right, as it is a blade-heavy, antique spatha forged of period iron. The blade is dark with age, and it currently does not have an edge, but it’s in very good condition when its eight century age is considered. The sword’s fitting are later additions: Frostflower’s quillons are each carved to resemble blooming roses, with stems that intertwine the grip; and an eagle headed pommel with a perfect aquamarine in the pommel. This weapon is too valuable to be taken into the field, and is thus kept at Castle Whitefeather for ceremonial use only. According to legend, the sword’s powers include the following:
  • Wielder is immune to hostile magic
  • Sword is indestructible
  • Its touch bestows powerful visions and lays bare the secrets of the world
  • May trigger miracles
  • Consume anyone but the king or his appointed champion who grasps it with holy fire


This sword, sometimes called the Eye of Clarity, is the traditional sword of Aorlis’ Imperial Crown Prince, and granted to him upon his investiture or knighting. Its name is a varient of St. Blailok’s name, and its pommel is a reliquary for the Eye of St. Blailok. Over a century old, this is a high quality arming sword forged of Barlosian steel. This is a fully functional weapon, and the crown prince is known to wear it into battle. The sword’s reputed powers are said to include:
  • Blade is supernaturally keen, and does not get dull
  • Scrying—close eyes, place forehead to reliquary, and see remote things and places
  • Strike non-material beings like ghost, spirits, and other unmanifested subjects
  • Wielder may detect demons and unclean spirits
  • Wielder sees through falsehoods and illusion


Legend has it this sword was Emperor Osrick I’s chosen weapon from the 10th century, and that is partly true. The original blade was broken, and it was re-forged into its current form by the top Burlami swordsmith-mages. Probably a migration era sword in its first incarnation, wow it is a long sword, and its damascened steel blade seems to ripple in the light. While it serves as the imperial sword of justice, it was intended to be used, and is battle ready. It is no longer suitable for battle, so it is installed permanently at Whitefeather Castle. Its reputed powers include:
  • Singing in battle
  • Proof versus rust and corrosion
  • Hold a keen edge, resistance to dulling


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