Pemmby Green

Gwyfned City Wards

Part of Gwyfned City’s original Upper City, and the original green space within the walls, and partly walled off from Hollywell Ward. It has long since ceased being green, and now is a full on city ward abutted by Hollywell Ward to northwest, and Halcionne Ward to northeast. The neighborhood is home to elite independent craftspeople, wealthy knights, important courtiers, rich clerics, servants of the royals, and those who offer nonpareil and expensive services.
Because alchemy is the favored magik of the wealthy, requiring such extensive resources, the alchemy community is well represented here. This ward is walled off from Lower City by the old Outer Ward walls and a deep, dry ditch called the King’s Ditch, and that is protected by the formidable Tyrell Gate. This gate is where the city’s posting boards are erected, and most legal notices and advertisements are be hung. Besides Royal Street, there is also Legal Street where the city’s top attorneys keep their firms.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Apothecary Milton Frogg
  • Constable—Sims Chaffin
  • Serjeant-at-Law—Arnoulet Cook
  • Serjeant-at-Law—Berthelemy Hillman
  • Serjeant-at-Law—Brison Shaw
  • Borr Lake—This is all that remains of Pemmby Greens days as green space.
  • Chartered Spice Emporium (Alchemy, World Class)—Grosser Damian Exman
  • Flute & Dart Inn (Excellent)—Innkeeper Cressida Souter
  • Grotto of Delightful Damsels (Good)—Procurer Rolly Acreman
  • Henrietta’s Harem of Tranquility (Good)—Procurer Henrietta FitzDeacon
  • Isabella’s Secret Bordello (World Class)—Procurer Isabelle Rounder
  • Laughing Ghost Inn (Good)—Innkeeper Roull Cutler
  • Mystonian Temple—Grand Prior Brycen Goodgame
  • Old Greyhound Inn (Excellent)—Innkeeper Millecent Piper
  • Orrery Tavern (Excellent)—Vintner Fesher Porcher of Ligton
  • Pemmby Green Private Bathing Club (Excellent)—Subaltern Marga Arkwright
  • Pemmby Green Private Corrodiary Hospital—Infirmier Joseph Shore
  • (This is a front for an Ashen Twilight Guildhall--Warden Bartholomew Neder)
  • Pemmby Green Public Bathing House (Good)—Subaltern Reyse Hawkner
  • Quintessence Livery Company
  • Warden of the Quintessence Adenin Drapyer
  • Master of the Quintessence Audouin Clarke
  • Sheriff’s Court—Alwyn FitzOliver Long Reach Sheriff of Upper Gwyfned City
  • Softside Gaol—Gaoler Berengierre Atwood
  • St. Bellaflor of Pemmby Green Church—Fa. Aimè Pernelle
  • St. Rurik of Pemmby Green Church—Fa. Aubrey Red
  • Tyrell Gate—Captain Sandolphin Terrawin of Quincelle, Commander of the City Guard
  • Ventrian Friary (part of the alchemist community)—Prior Albert Payne
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