San Louise Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

Sort of the beating heart of Gwyfned, this ward is found on the northeast shores of Ringe Taern and abutting St. Hughe’s Ward to west, St. Grinsale’s to the northeast, below the Heights Ward to the East, St. Brax’s Slope Ward to the southeast, and the Embankment Ward to the South.
Notable streets include Market to the north, East Bridgegate which feeds into the Bridge Ward, Linkster street for all the best maille makers, Drawers street for the wire-drawers, and Cutler street for all the blade smiths. This ward is home to successful craftsmen, their journeymen and apprentices, and their families.
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Constable—Amis Wallcock
  • Master Cutler—Aimeric Harrower
  • Master Linkster—Benoit Cartman
  • Master Wire-Drawer—Alain Deemer
  • Warden of the Linksters Guild—Alardin Hansard
  • Chartered Cutlery and Grinding Workshop (Excellent)—Master Godfrey Davies
  • Chartered Drawers Mill (World Class, Wire Drawers)—Master Ibb Clodman
  • Chartered Furniture Workshop(Makers of hilts, grips, pommels)—Master Daffyd Darcette
  • Craftsman’s Guildhall—Warden Rafe Fletcher
  • Dusty Grimoire Inn (Acceptable, Inn for occultists)—Innkeeper Myles Hurst
  • Grace’s Grotto of Delightful Comforts Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Grace Peckeril
  • Great Bridge Inn (Acceptable)—Innkeeper Hann Carter
  • Gwyfnedi Maille Monopoly and Workshop (World Class)—Warden Noll Walker
  • Hally’s House of Secret Delights Brothel (Poor)—Procurer Jerdin Fuller
  • Harem of Rare Roses Brothel (Acceptable)—Procurer Hopkins Lovette
  • King in Gold Inn (Poor)—Innkeeper Rafferty Beaumond
  • Mason’s Row (City upkeep and Master)—Master Mason Terpin Knowles
  • Occult Supply House—Mercer Emory Blacket
  • San Louise Public Bathing House (Acceptable)—Subaltern Janelia FitzPriest
  • San Louise Theater Bathing Club (Poor)—Subaltern Odis Scroper
  • St. Claeredon Church of San Louise—Fa. Nigel Ormond
  • St. Louise of San Louise Church—Fa. Nichols Lister
  • Theater in the Round (World Class, Epicenter of Gwyfned’s burgeoning theater culture)—Director Norris Barryman
  • Wellhead Gaol—Gaoler Bolin Hackett
  • White Swan Tavern (Good)—Vintners Kholin dePeskry and Joyce Pessoner
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