St. Alvoir's Ward

Gwyfned City Wards

This is a poor, tiny ward found on St. Alvoir’s Island, out in Ringe Taern. It is positioned far from the city because it’s used by soap makers, perfumers, tanners, fullers, and other noisome industries that smell too badly to be near the more populated areas.  
  • Alley of Desperate Women (Unsavory)—Procurer Ricard Swailer
  • Assorted Tradesmen
  • Constable—Renulf Ford
  • Master Soapmaker—Bastien Foster
  • Master Parfumer—Cardin Farman
  • Master Tanner—Benard Chandler
  • Master Fuller—Adenet Haynes
  • Blind Man’s Oliphant Tavern (Poor)—Vintner Gervase Imbert
  • Humble Fanny Inn (Unsavory)—Procurer Rext Balister
  • St. Alvoir of St. Alvoir Church—Fa. Redvyrs Aventer
  • Whore’s Alley (Poor)—Procurer Eldvin Fletcher
  • dragon wolf hybrid.png


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